Solo Touch Masturbation - Fact and Fantasy Too Hot For Solo Touch Read stories on Whispering Lily that we couldn't publish here. Home | Contributions | Archive | Masturbation Stories - Sep 2004 | Full Month | By Category | Male-Female 15 Solo Touch Presents Mom and Me in the Family Room Published: September 3, 2004 (Story #11529) Category: Male-Female Author: Berto Age: 53 Comments: I can still remember the time when I was a young boy that I showed my penis to my mother and watched as she made it get hard. I have always thought that I had a pretty average cock. It is about six inches long when it is hard and has a very smooth head. Every woman I have ever been with has told me it is the "perfect" size, but I have to admit that they are always curious about a small piece of my foreskin that still remains on my otherwise circumcised penis. I remember that I first noticed my penis was slightly different from other boy's penises when I started taking showers with them in gym class. I noticed that none of them had this extra little piece of skin on their cock's and I began to wonder why I did. One night after I had begun to reach puberty, I was lying in bed trying to sleep when I started to play with my penis. I felt the little area of extra skin and decided that I would to ask my mother why it was there. My father was away on a business trip and my mother was in the family room reading the paper. I approached her and asked her about the extra skin on my penis. She put her paper down and pulled the curtain closed next to her so we would have some privacy. She asked me to show her what I was talking about. I took off my underpants and showed her the area on my penis that I was curious about. My mother told me why the skin was there and said that it was nothing to worry about. She said that my foreskin had not been completely removed or may have grown back after I was circumcised as an infant. She said not to worry about it and then pulled me closer to her so she could get a better look at it. She pulled my penis towards her until it was just inches from her face and then started to examine it very closely. She began to move it around and pulled back on my foreskin. She asked me if what she was doing was hurting me. I told her that it wasn't and said that what she was doing was making me feel "funny." I still remember she asked me if I meant funny "like I wanted to laugh" and I told her "No, funny like I don't want you to stop doing it." She looked up and smiled at me and began to rub my penis a little more. A few minutes passed and I think we both began to forget why I had showed her my penis in the first place. She looked at it very closely while she was rubbing it and started gently moving her fingers from its base to its tip and then back again. Very slowly and very deliberately. Sometimes when she got to the tip she would gently squeeze it with her thumb and forefinger and milk it just a little bit. Needless to say, I thought I was in heaven and began to pray that she would not stop what she was doing. At one point, she asked me if I ever did this to myself and I told her that I did, but said I didn't know if it was wrong to do it. She said that it was Ok to do it if it felt good and not to be ashamed of the fact that I enjoyed how it felt. I don't think that I ever loved my mother more than I did during those few minutes that she looked into my eyes and rubbed my hard cock and told me that it was a good thing to feel the way I was feeling. After what seemed like forever, I told my mother that what she was doing was starting to feel really good and said that sometimes when my penis felt this good it would throb and then white stuff would come out of it. She said that was also natural and was nothing to be ashamed of either. All of a sudden, I realized that I was about to come. Without saying a word to her, I quickly pulled away and said I had to go to the bathroom. As I ran toward the bathroom, I could tell that my come was about to start shooting out of my now very hard throbbing cock. I reached down and grabbed the tip of my cock with my hands and tried to stop it from happening, but as I got to the sink in the bathroom I began to shoot my come all over my hands and then all over the bathroom sink. My legs started to shake wildly as I stood there and felt the come drip off of my fingers and into the sink. As I began to catch my breath and the realization of what had just happened began to sink in, all I could do was look at myself in the mirror and think about how much I loved my mother and how much I had loved what she had just done for me. After I had finished coming and started to clean myself up, my mother called to me and said, "You forgot something in here." I realized that my underpants were still on the chair next to her and that I was going to have to go back into the family room naked and get them from her. As I walked back down the hall towards her I began to get very nervous about what had happened and tried to think about what I was going to say to her. I wondered if she was going to be upset about the fact that I had come and wondered what she was going to say to me. When I got to her, she smiled at me, handed me my underpants and said, "Now give me a kiss and go to bed." I leaned over, kissed her on her lips, told her that I loved her and went back to bed. She said she loved me too and, as I looked back at her, I saw that she had gone back to reading her paper. I lay in bed for a long time that night thinking about what had happened. My mother and I never talked about it and it never happened again. I do think I have relived that night in my mind at least a thousand times, however, and to this day it still gets me really excited to think about it. I often thought about asking my mother to tell me about why I had that extra piece of skin on my penis again, but I never had the courage to raise the subject with her ever again. As I grew up though, there were a number of times that I would get a hard on when my mother and I would hug and every time it would happen I would think about that night we shared in the family room. Whenever it happened, I could also tell by the look in her eyes that she could feel my hard cock through my clothes. Sometimes, when my dad was away, we would hug very tightly for an especially long time. It always made me wonder when we did this if it also made her think about the night she "examined" my cock in the family room so many years ago, but it never went any further than that again. I can still remember how glad I was as a young boy that I had not come in front of my mother that night. Now, however, as a horny old man I find myself wondering what would have happened if I hadn't pulled away from her that night and run to the bathroom. I find myself wondering what she would have done if I had started coming. As a matter of fact, I wish she were here now so that I could ask her. Legal Advice: Please feel free to download, save, print and/or link to this story. You may not publish or sell any text that appears on the Solo Touch Website without the prior written consent of the Solo Touch Webmaster. Home | Contributions | Archive | Masturbation Stories - Sep 2004 | Full Month | By Category | Male-Female 15 In order to protect minors, Solo Touch does not permit authors to include contact information in posts. Also, certain topics are not allowed on Solo Touch. For more information, please see: Rules and Why Rules. 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