Solo Touch Masturbation Stories, Techniques - Fact and Fantasy Home | Contributions | Archive | Masturbation Stories - Jun 2007 | Full Month | By Category | Female-Male 15 Solo Touch Presents Unintentional Lesson Published: June 26, 2007 (Story #26357) Category: Female-Male Author: Katy Age: 20 Comments: I found out about Solo Touch from the girls at work one day when they were talking about men and sex. I took a look at it and have been looking in ever since. Now time for me to tell of my experience with masturbation when I was younger. If mom and dad knew about this they'd be so embarrassed. I was an only child and they were so protective of me when I was growing up. Even when mom talked to me about the "birds and bees" she was very careful. If only she knew. Dad, mom and me had been to a reunion in another town. We were on our way home when dad stopped at a motel and said let's all get some sleep. They got a double room with two beds. We all showered and went to bed. I had my own bed and mom and dad there's. After awhile, mom and dad figured I was asleep. I heard them softly talking and then they started kissing. All the while I was watching them in the light coming out of the bathroom. I laid still and didn't move or make a sound. Then, dad looked my direction and then he kicked off the sheet. He then pushed down his shorts. I'd seen dad coming out of the shower before and seen him urinating so knew what his penis looked like. Back then I thought of it as his "thingie". It was limp and soft looking and maybe three to four inches long and always was hanging. But, on this night when I saw it, it was enormous! Much longer, bigger around and very stiff looking. I then saw my mom put her hand on it and gently rub on it while they were kissing. Mom then raised up kissing my dad's chest and tummy. I thought mom was being so nasty. She then got up and I saw her putting some body cream on her hand. She then raised her slip up and I could see she didn't have on any panties. She laid down and put her cream covered hand on dad's "thingie". I could see dad putting his arm down his side where his hand was between mom's legs. Mom then went to moving her hand up and down on dad's penis. Dad started making awhhhh sounds. This went on for several minutes and mom started going faster. Dad then softly said oh baby, I'm going to come. Oh baby. Mom had his penis pointing up toward his belly and then I saw my dad getting real tight like and saw this stuff squirting out of his penis. He was ejaculating his semen. I now know but back then it was just squirts of white stuff. Dad's hand grabbed mom's hand and made her stop her movements on his penis. When dad finished this, he laid still breathing quite hard. Mom got up and came back with a wet wash cloth and lovingly wiped off dad's penis and belly. She then went and turned off the bathroom light and went to bed. I had witnessed a woman giving a man a hand job but didn't know what it was at the time. It was years later before I'd finally put to use what I'd seen and learned to use on boyfriends. If mom and dad only knew. To think, I learned how from them that night. Bookmark this page now: Post to BlinkBits Post to BlogMarks Post to Post to Digg Post to Fark Post to Furl Post to Google Post to Ma.gnolia Post to MyWeb Post to Netscape Post to NetVouz Post to Newsvine Post to RawSugar Post to Reddit Post to Scuttle Post to Shadows Post to Simpy Post to Slashdot Post to Spurl Post to Technorati Post to Wists (what is this ?) Legal Advice: Please feel free to download, save, print and/or link to this story. You may not publish or sell any text that appears on the Solo Touch Website without the prior written consent of the Solo Touch Webmaster. Home | Contributions | Archive | Masturbation Stories - Jun 2007 | Full Month | By Category | Female-Male 15 In order to protect minors, Solo Touch does not permit authors to include contact information in posts. Also, certain topics are not allowed on Solo Touch. For more information, please see: Rules and Why Rules. If you are 18 or over and would like to share your contact information with others, chat live, exchange private messages, discuss topics in a forum and/or publish/read unedited stories, please check out Whispering Lily. [ Privacy Policy ] [ Top of Page ] [ Advertising ] [ RSS Feeds ] Copyright © 1997-2007 by All rights reserved.