Sarah Sex = Male Where it happened = Home Language = Ehglish Refnum = 45896 When I was eleven and my sister, Sarah, was ten our parents divorced. For years my mom and dad couldn't talk to each other without yelling and fighting. I never knew my dad to hit my mom, but more than harsh words were sometimes thrown around. My sister would get really upset when the fighting would start and would run upstairs crying and hide in her room. Although we were typical siblings and didn't always get along, I felt sorry for her when I would see her upset like that and made a habit of going in to her room and comforting her and telling her that things would be okay. Well things didn't turn out okay at first. When our mom asked for the divorce we had to move out of our big house into a two bedroom apartment. Since we were still pretty young Sarah and I shared one of the bedrooms. Believe it or not I really didn't mind so much. We had developed a genuinely loving and caring relationship during the tough times and I actually thought of her as my best female friend. Of course at school things were different because Sarah and I were very different. I was very nerdy when I was 13 - 16. I didn't look like the stereotypical nerd but I acted like it. Even though I could talk to Sarah about anything I couldn't talk to other girls at all. It wasn't that I didn't want to--I definitely was interested in one or two in particular--but I would just get so tongue-tied. So I spent most of my time with my buddies who were more interested in science than in sex. Sarah, on the other hand, was a social butterfly. She loved being around people and everyone loved being around her. By the time she was 15 she was a cheerleader and incredibly cute. I know that sounds perverted but when I would see her being nice even to the social outcasts at our school I couldn't help but be both proud of her and also a little jealous of the guys who could be interested in her. I could imagine all these guys going home and masturbating while thinking about her and I had to admit that if she wasn't my sister and was friendly like that with me I would be one of those guys. One day when I was 16 and she was 15 I noticed some doodles she had made in a notebook. They were the name of the star football player at our school. I immediately panicked because I knew he was an egotistical, "God's gift to women" kind of guy. I also knew he was an asshole because he was 18 and loved to pick on me and my nerdy friends. There was no way that my sister should be interested in him! My sister and I still shared a bedroom (I tried sleeping on the couch but that didn't work out)and so that night after the lights were out I asked her if she was interested in him. She admitted she thought he was hot but, up until this time, she had never had a guy that she was really interested in. She liked being friends with all the guys. Well, I began to warn her that she was way too good for him and that he was just like all guys and was only interested in sex. "Are you only interested in sex?" she asked me. When I admitted that I thought about it a lot she asked if I had ever done anything sexually with a girl. I had to admit I hadn't. I had had a chance to kiss one girl (and maybe do more) but I had chickened out. Sarah said she had had the same thing happen to her. While she was comfortable talking to everyone she was scared to death to actually kiss a guy because he would discover she didn't know what she was doing. That is when she hit me with a bombshell. Sarah asked me if I would think she was sick if she could practice kissing with me. Although at 5'4" and 100 lbs with blonde hair and green eyes Sarah would turn nearly every guy on, my reaction was not felt below the belt at all. But I also didn't think she was sick. I could immediately see the benefits of learning together how to kiss and she was just my sister so nothing else would happen. Boy was I wrong! She slipped over to my bed and crawled in with me. The only light was coming from outside our window and I could just see her enough to know where to put my lips. At first it was awkward but soon it felt more natural. That's when I felt her tongue pressing against my lips and I opened them enough to feel its warmth slip into my mouth. Immediately my brain switched off and my "little head" took control. I was instantly hard and popped out of my boxers. Of course we couldn't see what happened because it was under the covers but I could feel my penis touching the smooth skin of her thigh and I was certain she could feel it too. We didn't do anything other than kiss that first night but we "practiced kissing" every night after that for about a week before things moved on. This is already too long so I won't go into details. Eventually Sarah and I progressed through all the stages of sexual exploration. I taught Sarah how to give a guy a hand job and a blow job based on what made me feel good and I learned from her just where and how to touch a girl and how to lick her. Sarah didn't end up with the asshole and claims never to have done anything with any guy other than me until she went to college. I know I didn't do anything except kiss a girl goodnite once. We didn't need anyone else when we had someone who loved us and cared about us waiting in our room each night. I guess we were really lucky. We were still naive and believed that a girl couldn't get pregnant unless the guy actually came inside the girl so we frequently had sex with me sliding in and out of her until I was ready to cum and then pulling out. It wasn't until I was in college that I read that it was possible for a woman to get pregnant from pre-cum. Yikes! Anyway, Sarah and I don't have sex anymore. We are both happily married and our spouses don't know it but they have their in-laws to thank for what we learned about the opposite sex.