Published: July 22, 2008 (Story #30427) Category: Female-Male Author: Michelle Age: 25 Comments: It is super hot sharing my kinkiest side with everyone! chiao! I was reading through this website and clicking through the archives and found a story that prompted me to share my story below. The July 2006 Techniques section had a story by Heather, and she talked about tasting her wetness out of her pussy whenever she masturbates. Unlike Heather, I remember how I got started doing it. The very first time I tasted my own juice was a few years ago. My boyfriend and I were at a friend's mini-party with three other couples and a few single guys and girls. A little after midnight, we started playing Truth or Dare. I was surprised I would have the courage to do what my own boyfriend dared me to do. After all the obligatory girl-girl kissing and lap dancing, etc., my boyfriend dared me to stand up and finger myself in front of the whole group-I was supposed to reach down into my blue jeans and under my panties and insert two fingers and masturbate for 60 seconds. I did my best to talk my way out of it, but the peer pressure won. I stood up, smiling nervously, and closed my eyes and dove right in. Everyone yelled with approval, and I continued. Then they started pressuring me to open my eyes, which took a lot of courage, but I did. Everyone was looking at me except one girl. Then one guy told everyone to be quiet so they could hear the "squishing noises" to verify that I was actually doing it. My boyfriend smiled and nodded. At this point I was pretty turned on, so I was extremely wet, and it was easy to make the squishy noise for everyone to hear. All the guys were happy and horny, and the girls were still smiling and having a good time. My best friend looked at me with a smile of pity (for me) on her face, and I noticed one of the other girls had gotten hard nipples. As the guy with the timer counted down the last 15 seconds (which felt like 10 minutes!!), the girl with the hard nipples whispered something in her boyfriends ear, and he smiled a mile wide and then yelled to me and the group "suck your fingers afterward!!" Needless to say, the crowd erupted into a fit of approval for the idea. All the guys (and two girls) were chanting "taste yourself, taste yourself" for the remaining 10 seconds. The guy yelled when my 60 seconds was up, but the chanting continued. I pulled my hand out of my pants slowly and raised it to about eye level and everyone could see my clear, stringy wetness covering my ring finger and middle finger on my right hand. It seemed like it took an hour to work up the courage to do it, but I plunged my two wet fingers in my mouth and sucked on them for about ten seconds in front of everyone. It was so damn hot! My panties were instantly wet. I have remembered this story many times as I pleasure myself since it happened (as I am sure others have too). Tasting myself has become my "trick" to surprise and turn on guysÑand something I do quite often for my own pleasure when I am horny. Whenever I masturbate, I am constantly licking the juice off my fingers. I dont know why, but it turns me on so much! I like to get myself as wet as I can and rub my wetness all over my pussy and my inner thighs. I absolutely LOVE sucking on anything that has been inside my pussy, like my vibrator, or anything else. When I get super horny, I actually smear it all over my face and mouth. (wow, that's my biggest secret in the's really hot to share that with everyone reading this). Twice recently, I have been super horny and went to the mall with some sexy clothes on. I fingered myself and wiped my wetness on my face four or five times while in one store and then walked around the next hour with my pussy juice drying there, all the while adding more and more to it when I knew no one could see me. That was EXTREMELY erotic. I knew it wasn't very visible, but I stayed away from people anyway. Some days I am just horny all day and I will discreetly finger and taste myself like that all dayÑwhile I am out shopping, driving, and especially when I go to the tanning bed. I get so uncontrollably horny sometimes... I go without panties and let my wetness coat my inner thighs, I finger myself and taste myself at work, in the grocery store, at the movies, everywhere! The riskier the better. I was at a club with two girlfriends a few months ago, and one particular very cute guy was obviously interested in me on the dance floor. I was feeling frisky all day before and it increased quite a bit with dancing with some attractive guys that night. The floor was packed, almost shoulder to shoulder, and I leaned in toward his ear and told him "watch this." As I pulled away from him, my hands slid down his chest and lightly brushed my own chest, taking just a second to play with my breasts for his view. My left hand stayed near my hip as I danced lightly and I moved my right hand slowly down my stomache, over my belly button, and then entering under my skirt. His eyes were a mile wide! I tried to act like no one else was around, but I accidentally made eye contact with two other guys and one (very disgusted and jealous) girl, so I closed my eyes. I danced there for about 15 seconds or so, while fingering myself the whole time. I felt like everyone was watching, but I had my eyes closed and I was pretending to be alone with him. My fingers were dripping wet, so I reached down with my left hand to hold my waist band out a little bit, and I pulled my "masturbating hand" out of my panties and skirt; careful not to wipe off any of my juice. As I raised my wet fingers to my mouth, I opened my eyes and stared straight into his eyes as I sucked my pussy-flavored fingers clean. As you can imagine, my pussy was absolutely on FIRE! My whole body was quivering with adrenalin and desire. We finished the rest of the song with some heavy rubbing and petting, and it seemed like things were going well. Then he got a phone call and ran outside to return the call. He was out for awhile, so I went to look for him and saw him having an argument with a girl at the entrance to the bar. He then left with her, in an obvious bad mood. I'll share more stories in another post. chiao!