Judging from what I've heard and what I've read on this site, girls don't share masturbation with their friends as much as guys do. But around age 12 or 13, I had a couple of friends who were into it. My best friend Jen had started developing before me. Her mom had gotten her a book about puberty changes and she and I read it together and talked quite a bit about the masturbation section. I spent the night at her house once and we were lying on the floor next to each other in the dark. We had just gone to bed. Suddenly she said she was going to masturbate. She rolled up a towel or piece of clothing or something and I could hear her get on top of it and start grinding against it. She said I should do the same and I did, but I wasn't really getting into it. She started moaning, then suddenly hopped up and said she was embarrassed and was going to finish alone in the living room. Looking back I regret that we didn't share any sex play. Later that year, during a sleepover at my house, Jen was fast asleep in my queen size bed with me lying awake next to her. I was fascinated with her developed breasts as i didn't have any of my own yet. I desperately wanted to feel them, play with them and explore them. I tried to swallow my desires as i listened to her heavy and even breathing, but I just couldn't stop myself. I reached over and caressed one of her breasts. She was laying on her side. I was amazed at how warm, heavy and firm they were. I was over stimulated from intense terror that she would realize what I was doing and be offended; and from my amazement at her tits in my hands. Looking back I can hardly believe I did that. It was a gutsy move. Nothing ever came of it though because she slept right through it........I'm assuming. At this point I still hadn't really caught on w/ the whole masturbating thing. But about a year later hormones kicked in and I met my friend Cindy. Cindy was incredibly open about masturbation. She asked me quite plainly over the phone one night if I'd ever had an orgasm. She explained it as "all of a sudden your insides feel runny and hot and you get these sound effects you can't control and your legs kick out all over the place." i told her I would try for one and get back to her. I tried all sorts of crazy stuff a few nights in a row after that. One thing I did, which I remember fondly b/c I was so innocent, cute and bizarre, was fill a tall glass with hot water and sit with it in between my legs and rub my pussy against it. Nothing really happened besides me splashing water all over myself and getting frustrated and later I lied and said I'd had an orgasm. By high school all of us girls became incredibly self conscious about our developing bodies and masturbation was honestly NEVER brought up again. I don't know why, but I didn't actually masturbate to orgasm until I was 19! I'd had plenty of urges and good feelings, but it just never really all came together until then. (Interestingly, my young friends and I never really consciously, explicitly knew or talked about the clitoris.) My boyfriend at the time was upset that he was the only one coming, so I went home one night and tried to find and pleasure my clitoris as he'd advised. The second I found my button, it was a whole new sphere of sensation. It was so intense I couldn't believe it. I moved my pointer finger from side to side over the top of it quickly, and the feelings that resulted rocked my mind and entire body. Suddenly i started shaking, shivering...my legs jerked....my little clitoris tightened and tightened almost to the point of pain....then the entire world went black as I felt 5 strong contractions. i couldn't control them or do anything. i just lay there, surrendered and helpless. I swear, they were so strong I thought I could HEAR them, and even see them in my mind's eye. Afterward, I was ecstatic. I laughed out loud as i caught my breath. I felt total relief and joy. Somewhere along the line I developed a love of watching men masturbate. There's just something so raw and erotic about watching a man gently cradling his balls while he strokes his dick in the way he likes best. My 3rd boyfriend and I rented a hotel room for a weekend a couple years back, and we spent most of our time there smoking pot and making love. Pot was an intense aphrodisiac for both of us, so we really lost our inhibitions and had beautiful, creative, animalistic sex. While he was propped up above me, about to enter me, I started begging him to touch himself first. Normally he would've been too shy, but not tonight. He looked straight into my eyes with confidence and pure wicked sexuality as he firmly handled his thick, dark cock and huge, full sac. It turned me on so much, intense sensations of lust cut through my stomach almost painfully. I would've loved to have watched him complete the act, but a second later he put on a condom and we fucked like crazy. My current boyfriend, with whom I have a fulfilling, serious, mature and awesome relationship.....he's very open about his body and sex, which is great....however unfortunately he doesn't view masturbation as particularly erotic and doesn't understand why I do. However he LOVES to lay back and get hand jobs. At first I was surprised at how much he loves me to unceremoniously pump on his dick; i thought it was rather plain and unromantic. But now i have discovered incredible intimacy and eroticism in this giving act. I love to watch his body's response. ESPECIALLY toward the end when his balls rise up close to his cock, all full and red and round. I love the mindless, softened expression on his face and the sweet moans he makes. He loves to kiss me and grab, suck on, squeeze and caress all parts of my body as I do him, often he'll finger me in tandem. When he's in a really horny mood he'll grab my hips and pull my pussy to his face and lick and kiss it just for his own pleasure, not even concentrating on any kind of rhythm for my sake! I love these moments. I still masturbate whenever he's not around, usually during the day or on the rare nights we're apart. Once my clitoris gets fully erect it makes a sort of little bone under the hood and I stroke the skin on the left side of the hood up and down it. This is a very fast and efficient way to get off for me. If I have more time I lay naked in bed and apply lotion or KY to this massage tool I have that's made of big, smooth wooden balls. Ladies, you should find one of these and try it: it's got a big ball in the middle (you're supposed to hold on to it while you give a massage) and four smaller balls, each one connected to the big one with a stick. I rub one of the wet, smooth wooden balls all around and over my vagina and tender button. If I rub it very gently, it almost feels like oral because it's so smooth. I nicknamed my tool Mr. Happy. Thanks for reading! I hope someone out there finds this inspiring! Everything you've read is 100% true. In case you were wondering, I'm 21, 5'3", 110, long caramel colored hair, brown-green eyes, earthy.