Nude Bar Maid This happened about four years ago when I was a bit short of money and decided to look for an evening job as a bar-maid. I went for an interview at a pub I knew and quite like so I was quite keen to get the job; I seemed to be doing okay in the interview. The landlord who was in his forties said that he thought the dress standards behind his bar were important and he liked his barmaids to wear dresses or skirts behind the bar not trousers. I thought this was a bit sexist but it certainly wasn’t a problem to me because I didn’t even have any trousers. Anyhow I said it was fine so long as he didn’t mind my bare legs because I didn’t like wearing hose. He said that wasn’t a problem; he was sure I had great legs. He actually couldn’t see much because I was wearing a long skirt; it has a big split though so I flipped it open for him and said: “Look, they’re a bit pale and flabby.” I am pale skinned and a little overweight; not fat but I an inch or two extra around my hips bum and thighs. “Blimme,” he said, “they’re great”. He offered me the job and I arranged to start a couple of days later. On the day I wore a knee length skirt and when I arrived for work the landlord was on duty with an older barman probably in his fifties. When I arrived the landlord Barry said “Here she is Dan; I told you she had nice legs didn’t she.” “You were right,” Dan replied. “Cute little feet too.” I do have small feet and always wear strappy sandals. For the next few weeks my body in general and my legs in particular were the source of constant comments from the landlord and the barman and a group of a dozen or so male regulars. Barry and Dan often touched my legs; it was amazing how often they needed to get a bottle or a glass from a low shelf just were I happened to be standing. Often in the discussion they would ask me to wear shorter skirts. I really enjoyed the attention and flattery and never missed an opportunity to press my breasts against an available arm. One Friday I had had a good day in my day job and was feeling confidant so as I got ready for work at the bar I decided to give them what they were asking for and put on a really short skirt. It only came a few inches below my panties; I was showing oceans of my white thighs and, because of all the bending and squatting you have to do behind a bar I knew I would be hard-pressed not to show my panties. When I arrived at the pub there were a few shouts of “Cor”. One of the regulars said “Look at those legs; they’re too good to be hidden away. You should get them out more often.” I was a little early so I sat on a bar stool at the front of the bar next to where the landlord was standing; he immediately put his hand on my thigh; when he realised I didn’t object he said “You should have a feel of this guys. Immediately three other hands arrived on my thighs. I always enjoy that kind of attention. I was groped plenty more that evening too while I worked and also two of the regulars kept a score of how many times I flashed my panties; I think they reached twenty-six. After the pub had closed there was me Barry, Dan and half a dozen male regulars who were allowed to stay on having an after hours drink; Barry said he’d had an idea. He wanted to do a beach party theme night and asked whether I would mind working behind the bar in a bikini. I suspected it was just a ruse to see more of me but I was enjoying the attention so I agreed. When I arrived for work on the beech party night it was early and so there was just the usual small crowd of males in the bar. There was not much concession to the theme either other than Barry and Dan wearing Hawaian shirts. I said to them that at least they could have worn shorts. They said, “ What in this weather?” It was the middle of winter by now and there was actually snow on the ground. I said “ But you expect me to wear a bikini.” “Talking of that,” Barry said. “Where is your bikini?” “Here.” I said and pulled it out of my bag. “Aren’t you going to put it on then?” “I suppose so. I’ll go and change in the loo.” Then one of the regulars called Simon chipped in. “Why don’t you change here; there’s hardly anyone about yet.” It was intended as a joke and for a few seconds I pretended to go along with it and undid a couple of buttons on my blouse and said “Oh alright then.” There was a loud cheer and then a boo when I started heading to the loo. Then I had one of the rushes of blood I have sometimes, stopped where I was and carried on undoing my blouse. In no time it was off and the cheers got louder and I started undoing my skirt. Suddenly I was stood in the bar in just my bra and panties. I turned my back to the men and facing the wall quickly slipped off my bra and put on my bikini top. I was feeling pretty aroused and excited now and the men were egging me on. I love showing my bum; it’s full, round and white and men always seem to like it so down came my panties and I stepped clumsily into my bikini bottoms. As luck would have it just at the point when my bare bum was in the air a stranger walked into the bar. Fortunately he was male but he looked pretty shocked and it went a bit quieter while I pulled my bikini bottoms up and went round the other side of the bar to serve him. So far as I knew all I had shown any of the men was my bum unless anyone managed to get a side view of a breast. When I served the new customer he turned out to be an older man than the others currently in the bar, in his fifties probably. He joined the others in complimenting my bum but I was in a bit of difficulty when he asked whether I always changed in the middle of the public bar. I just mumbled something about it being cold in the toilets. That evening I was groped more than ever as I went about my work by Barry and Dan when I was behind the bar and by customers when I was out collecting glasses. I suppose I was quite a provocative site wearing so little. Something which happened many times was that my bikini bottoms got pushed down at the back exposing some or ,at times, most of my bum. It happened so many times that there must have been several blokes doing it. Most times I felt it but often pretended not to until some kind girl told me I was exposed; a few times I didn’t feel it though and so I was walking around unaware of what was exposed. I enjoyed the evening a great deal. When the pub was closed the customers had gone and we had washed the glasses and cleared everything up I was still wearing just my bikini. Barry and Dan were left and the usual half a dozen or so male regulars who were allowed to stay after time. We all settled down for a drink and a chat. A little later one of the customers said: “Aren’t you going to change back into your clothes Nicole.” Of course I didn’t really have to change as such. I could have just but my top and skirt on over my bikini but I was feeling really excited and wasn’t going to miss an opportunity to show the guys a bit more. So I said as casually as I could “Oh yes, I suppose I might as well.” I stood up and as I struggled to get past the others sat at the table my legs pressed against three pairs of knees and a few hands and I fetched my bag with my clothes in it from behind the bar. Then I turned my back to where the guys were sitting and removed my bikini bra. This time though I didn’t put my bra on yet but took off my bikini pants so that I was completely naked apart from my strappy sandals with my bum facing the guys. Then I bent down with my legs apart to get my clothes out of my bag knowing that this would expose my pussy and bottom hole to the guys. At this point the conversation which had been slowing stopped completely and there were sounds of “Cor” and “Look at that”. So I was naked half-squatting half bending with my back to them looking in my bag for my clothes with my private parts all on show and I looked over my shoulder and said; “You guys are like a load of kids. Haven’t you ever seen a girls bits before.” I prolonged rummaging in my bag for a while then got out my bra and stood up beginning to turn towards the guys to give them a front view. By the time my bra was on I was facing them fully. Then I rummaged in my bag again for my panties and skirt still naked from the waist down and stood up and paused for a while as someone asked me a couple of questions before putting them on. For a while afterwards the conversation was about my body and it became pretty clear that they were all trying to think of ways to get to see me naked again. They asked me to take my clothes off again now; I wouldn’t have minded doing that but I didn’t. Among the other suggestions was that I spent a night working topless or even nude behind the bar. I found the idea of being nude and available to be stared at for three hours very exciting but I wasn’t sure whether the idea was very practical. I thought the female customers might object and also wondered what would happen if the police happened to come in. Then the landlord suggested shutting one of the bars to the public one night holding a private party just for people who knew what to expect and me working naked. That sounded a much better idea and it wasn’t long before I agreed to it. In fact one of the regulars, Sam, had his birthday the following week so that made it easier; it was to be his birthday party. He invited his friends and told them all that he had persuaded me to work nude that night. Over a hundred people were invited; many of them people I knew who used to come into the pub – men and women, but also a big crowd from where he worked – he worked in a leather tannery and his colleagues were virtually all men. The big night soon arrived and when I arrived there weren’t many people there yet. Barry and Dan were behind the bar an it wasn’t long before Barry said: “Come on! Get ‘em off then.” I said what was the big deal since he had already seen everything I had. Anyhow I did undress; it was a very cold February night but I was still wearing just my usual four items; bra, top, skirt and panties. I took them off behind the bar with Barry and Dan watching and a few invitees milling around. I can’t tell you how exciting it was just to be standing around naked open to everyone’s view. Soon the bar started filling up; it was interesting to see the different reactions when people saw me; like I say they should have known what to expect but some people still looked shocked and surprised. Quite a few groups of blokes chose to stand at the bar and some really were staring as I went about my work which inevitably involved a certain amount of bending and squatting. I noticed that the fact that I was nude made Dan and Barry a bit coy. Usually they were brushing past me and pressing against me constantly but in the first half hour or so neither of them touched me once. I was pretty disappointed. I was in a pretty heightened state of arousal and I definitely wanted to be touched. I had to set about correcting that so when I next saw Dan pouring a pint I went to use the tap next to him and pressed my breasts against his arm. Shortly afterwards Barry was standing around with his arms by his side so I went to whisper in his ear; my breasts were against his arm and my pubic hair against his hand Later when Dan when he was reaching for a glass off a low shelf next to wear I was pouring a pint I straddled his arm with my legs first squeezing his arm between my thighs then squatting a little and wiping my now very wet pussy on his arm. I also “inadvertantly” backed my bottom into various parts of each of them a few times. This was all it needed to overcome their reluctance to touch my body; it was back to normal and they were for ever brushing past me and pressing up against me. A few times when I stood very close to either of them to talk a stray hand would find its way in between my legs and touch my pussy which was dripping wet all night. After an hour or so I ventured out from behind the bar to collect some glasses; the landlord had told me he didn’t expect me to do that naked but I pretty much liked the idea. Most of the guys realised from the way I pushed through the crowd that I didn’t mind my body being touched and every part of me was groped. Lots of the guys who knew me suddenly wanted to give me a hug which usually meant a feel of my bum; pretty well every male who passed me brushed against my breasts and/or pubic hair and the braver ones had a quick feel between my legs. My bum was smacked pinched and squeezed dozens of times. If I stopped to talk to anyone I often found my pussy at eye level and very close to someone sitting down. I started work at eight and the bar closed at eleven; the three hours flew by as I went from one dizzingly exciting experience to another. I was amazed at how many people my body could excite at any one time. It was a very different experience from all the flashing I had done prior to that because it was in a closed environment and so there were far fewer constraints on how I and others could behave. Once the bar closed I stayed naked while we washed the glasses and cleared up and while a larger than usual crowd had a drink after hours. Eventually Dan who always gives me a lift home asked if I was ready and whether I was going home still naked. I said there wasn’t much point in getting dressed now, but that I needed a pee. Then I said “Let’s go. I’ll have a pee outside.” Someone said “This I‘ve got to see,” and the small crowd followed me out of the front door; I was still naked. It was a main road but it was late at night. There was some traffic and a few people walking home from other pubs. A group of lads cheered when they caught site of me. I stepped off the pavement and stood over a drain in the gutter and did a massive gushing pee with them all watching me. It seemed like a good climax to the evening. Nicole