I absolutely love watching men pleasuring themselves. I can be stripping for my b/f and the moment his hand glances over his cock I stop whatever I'm doing, completely transfixed. As I've said elsewhere at length (in my sugarfreecandy thread in the pics of women forum) I think the sight of a man's hand on his cock is one of the most erotic things I can imagine. There's something so simple about it, so natural, so expressive. It's such an intimate gesture. Of course, I especially love it when I know that I'm the reason he's excited in the first place. And I'm with the other ladies here --- I'd love to be able to watch forever, but (especially given that I am a card-carrying Oral Freak Society member) I usually can't wait to get in on the action with my lips, tongue, breath, hair, breasts, hands, and whatever else I can use to bring him pleasure! I love to draw the male body, as anyone who's read my previous posts knows, and the image of a man masturbating is a particular favourite. (In fact, I'm amassing a collection of pics with this exact subject, that guys here have volunteered, so eventually, when I actually get time to sketch them, I'll hopefully be able to post the collection of drawings...) To me, drawing the body is a way of making love to it, as much as kissing it or licking it or caressing it, particularly when that body is obviously in a state of pleasure to begin with... Masturbation images are perfect for that, because of the intimacy of the contact they portray.