Deb by crbrianb © A few years back, I had a job at a local call center. It was close to where I worked, making it real convenient since I didn't drive at the time. This was a customer service center, not a telemarketing center. You called me and made my life miserable, instead of me calling you and interrupting your supper. It wasn't a very pleasant time in my life, but I was going to school at the same time, and it got the bills paid. There were a couple of memorable times during that job, of which this is one of them. A friend of mine had a live in girl friend that worked with us. Their schedules were a couple of hours off from each other, meaning that they usually took separate cars to work. That is except for this one week where her car was in the garage for repair work. Since I lived a couple of blocks away, she would come over to my house and wait for Jeff to get off. A detail that is rather important to this story is that I lived on the third floor of a converted house. It was the middle of summer and I couldn't afford air conditioning. It got a little warm up there, but as long as you didn't over dress it wasn't too bad. We worked in an office environment, which meant that coming home from work, we were over dressed. The first thing that I always did when I got home was to dress down. Normally, I would just strip down to my underwear as soon as I got home, but since Deb was there, I had to go to my room and put on a pair of shorts. When we first got there, Deb commented on the heat, asking about the air conditioning. I told her that I had none, just used fans and dressed light. When I came out of the bedroom, she said that she wished she had known she would have brought something to change into. I told her that if it was to hot for her, she could always unbutton her shirt and roll up her sleeves. She said that that would help, but it was not fair that I could take off my shirt and that she couldn't. I told her that it wouldn't bother me if she were to take off her shirt. "No, I couldn't do that. I'll just point the fan at myself," she replied. I turned on the TV, gave her the remote and then went to work on my homework. A short while later, I heard her say, "Well, if it doesn't bother you, then…" I didn't pay any attention at first, I was stuck in the middle of a math problem. When I finished the problem, I started to ask her what she had said, when I stopped in mid sentence. She had taken me up on my offer and taken her shirt off. Trying to not make her self aware, I did my best not to look, (too long) and went back to my homework. She sat in my apartment like that for about an hour when Jeff showed up. She put her shirt back on and went down to his car. The next day, when I walked out of the bedroom after changing clothes, she had already taken her shirt off and was watching TV. "I hope you don't mind that I made myself at home. It didn't seem to bother you yesterday, so I thought I would do it again today," she said. "I thought that you were going to bring something to change into," I said. "I was, but I thought that this would be easier." "OK," I said, as I opened up the books. Two hours later, Jeff showed up, and down she went. The next day, it got quite a bit warmer outside, and it was almost uncomfortable up in my apartment when we got home. She had her shirt off before I even made it the bedroom to change my clothes. "Brian, you don't mind if I take my pants off too," she asked me when I came out. "Sure, I guess so," I replied. She waited until I had started digging in my book bag to take them off. She pulled them down pretty quick and tucked her legs under her before I had a chance to see anything. I couldn't blame her; here she was at her boyfriend's friend's place. She only knew me from work, and I was a little more than an acquaintance to her. About an hour later, she got up to get a drink of water and go to the bathroom. This was the first time that I really got a chance to look at her without feeling like I was staring or ogling. I never noticed how nice of a body she had before, because she always wore baggy clothes. I always figured that she had a bit of a belly, or a wide ass. Turns out that she had a flat belly and a shapely ass, small breasts though. When she came back, I saw her go over and stand in front of the fan. Apparently, she thought that I wasn't looking, because I saw her lift up her bra and let the fan blow on her breasts. She had her back to me, so I didn't get to see anything. "You can take it off if you want," I spoke up. "What," she said as her bra came down really fast. "If you are still a little warm, you can take off your bra. I'll turn my chair so that I am facing away from you and won't be able to see anything. Besides, you'll have your back to me and that will be all that I can see." "I don't thinks so." I got up and moved my chair anyway. Jeff showed up on schedule, and when I looked over, she was busy clasping her bra behind her back. She put the rest of her clothes on and left. The next day was to be the last day. Neither Deb nor I worked on Fridays. I worked Sundays, and she worked Saturdays instead. Jeff on the other hand had the weekend off and worked Fridays. When we got home that afternoon, it was just as hot as the day before, and when I came out of the room, she was sitting on the couch in just her under wear. She told me to adjust my chair so that my back was to her. I sat down per her directions and hit the books. (There is a good reason that I was and still am an 'A' student.) After a half an hour or so, she got up to get a drink, with her bra unclasped at the back. She was holding her arms close to her body to hold the bra in place. I remember hearing some fidgeting when she sat back down. I looked over my shoulder, and the bra was gone, but it looked like she was taking off her panties. I couldn't see to confirm this, so I was left guessing until Jeff arrived. He pulled up and honked the horn. I looked over and saw Deb fastening the clasps to her bra. Then I saw her bend over, and start to pull something up her legs, I couldn't tell what it was until she stood up to pull her panties the rest of the way up. She finished dressing, and ran out the door. As I said earlier, I thought that was to be the last day that she visited me. That is, until about an hour before Jeff normally got off work, I hear a knock at my door. I threw on a pair of shorts and ran to the door. There was Deb at my door when I opened it. "I was running some errands on this side of town and finished up a little earlier than I expected. You don't mind if I come up and hang out until I have to go pick up Jeff do you?" I answered, "No, come on in. I was just sitting around watching TV." "It's still pretty hot up here I see. You don't mind if I take off my shirt and shorts again do you?" She sat down on the couch in just her underwear. This was the first time that I really had a chance to get a good look, since it was Friday and I didn't have any homework to do. Boy was it hard not to stare. She had been there about ten minutes when she got up and went over to the fan. She reached behind her back, unclasped her bra, and with her back still to me, she lifted up her bra, letting the fan blow on her breasts. She pulled the bra down after a few seconds, turned towards me holding it up with one of her arms and asked me if I would mind if she didn't wear it. "No," was all I could say. She reached up with the other hand, pulled the bra down, continuing to conceal her breasts with the first arm. She walked back over to the couch, set the bra on the rest of her clothes, and went back to watching TV. I tried to make small talk with her, but I am not much of a conversationalist, and her being in just a pair of panties made matters worse. When the show we were watching ended, I got up to go to the bathroom and get a drink of water. When I returned, she had taken off her panties and was sitting there in the nude. I really couldn't see much of her bush since her legs were closed tight and tucked under her, turned away from me. I didn't know what to say, so I kept quite. Shortly before she had to go pick up Jeff, she walked over to the fan, naked still, and let the air blow across her. She turned back towards me, not covering anything up and walked back to her clothes. While was getting dressed, she made the comment about how good the air conditioning in her car was going to feel.