[M 64] I think that the most embarrassed that I have ever been was during my preinduction physical examination prior to entering the military service. Even though it took place in an entirely professional setting, I was still very self-conscious about being totally naked in the presence of two attractive young women who gave me my EKG (Electrocardiogram)! I have since learned that it is not necessary to be nude for this procedure!. Perhaps these young women had been taught that the patient must be completely unclothed for an EKG exam, or perhaps they just took advantage of the situation. You be the judge! This is what happened. I was 21 years old and had just graduated from college. I joined the Air Force in order to get my military obligation out of the way, since the draft was still in effect at that time. Up until then I had held a student deferment from the draft. The Air Force made the exam appointment for me at the local Air Force Base just outside our city. At the appointed time, I presented myself to the main desk at the base hospital and was processed fairly quickly. I had only the EKG exam left to accomplish when the desk sergeant told me to report to a room down the hallway and an EKG technician would be with me shortly. I walked into a rather sterile looking room that had only a metal desk, two chairs, an exam table and a contraption on wheels that I surmised was the EKG machine. Before long, a female Air Force technician walked in with my record and sat at the desk. She had on a starched white uniform with 3 stripes on each sleeve, meaning that she was an enlisted medical technician and not a Registered Nurse. I judged her to be about my age, perhaps a little older. I would have given her an attrac- tiveness rating of an 8 on a scale of 1 to 10! She greeted me with, "Hi, my name is Lori and I'll be doing your EKG exam for you". She made some small talk, and then asked me if I had ever had an EKG exam before. I said, "No", that this was my first physical exam. She then said, "All right, please remove all of your cloth- ing and lie on your back on the exam table". I guess I must have looked somewhat startled, because she followed up that request with the statement, "clothing can cause the machine to give false read- ings so that is why you have to be nude". It sounded logical, so with her sitting at the desk observing my every move, I stripped to my birthday suit and climbed up on the exam table. I had never been naked in the presence of a young lady before, so believe me, this was a totally new experience! I climbed up on the table and lay in a supine position while she wheeled the EKG machine over to my left side and began unrolling the electrical cords. Just as I was beginning to lose a little of my self-consciousness about being naked in her presence, there was a knock at the door. She said to me, "Oh, we are training another technician to do these EKGs. I hope you don't mind". Without waiting for my response, she invited the individual who had knocked on the door into the room with a cheerful, "come on in"! In walked another Air Force female in a starched white uniform similar to the one Lori was wearing. She had only 1 stripe on her sleeves, however, indicating that she was of lower rank than Lori. I judged her to be a couple of years younger than Lori, but this girl was a "knockout", a 10 if I had ever seen one! She had lovely dark olive skin and beautiful dark hair! "Hi, Gloria", Lori greeted her as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening. "This is Mr. ______ and we are going to be doing his EKG this morning". I mumbled something, but now there were TWO attractive females in the room and I was as naked as the day I was born! Lori attached the suction cups to the left side of my chest, ankles and wrists while Gloria observed. Lori then removed them and had Gloria attach the cups in the same positions while Lori observed her. It was typical "on the job training"! With them running their hands over my chest, stomach, ankles and wrists, I was becoming very aroused and I felt my penis began to stiffen. Sure enough, in spite of my best efforts to control myself, very soon I had a raging erection! They repeated every step of the procedure 3 or 4 times in order to make certain that Gloria had learned it well! And all the time I was lying there on the table on my back stark naked with an erection!! Additionally, I couldn't help but notice that each of the young ladies periodically cast furtive glances down at my member who was "standing at attention" in their honor! Finally it was over. Gloria helped me wipe the vaseline off my body (used for the suction cups that held the electrodes in place) and then handed me my under clothing. I didn't waste any time in getting dressed. The whole EKG exam had perhaps lasted 30 to 45 minutes, but it certainly seemed longer! Looking back on it now, although I was extremely self-conscious throughout the entire examination, it WAS a highly erotic experience and one that I will never forget!