Sex - Female Sexual Preference - In-Between Masturbation that Led to Sex Roommates After college, I moved to Silicon Valley for a job. I rented an apartment with a woman, Lisa, who worked at my company. We both worked long hours and had almost no social life. Evenings were usually dinner at the apartment and maybe a movie, then to bed. One Friday night we were watching a movie where a woman simulates masturbation. We looked at each other and both laughed. Lisa said, You, too? We both admitted that it was the only sex we were getting. I got us another glass of wine and in a few minutes we were ignoring the movie and talking about masturbation, how often, how, etc. Lisa was masturbating nearly every day, often in the shower, sometimes with toys. I was masturbating about three times a week, in bed with my fingers. Another glass of wine and Lisa asked if I ever did it with anybody else. I had not and said so. So did Lisa. She asked if I would like to. It was probably the wine, but I said yes. We tentatively took off our jeans and panties and slid to opposite ends of the couch and turned off TV. We both touched ourselves for a while and Lisa took off her Tshirt and bra to touch her breasts. We both had orgasms, me first then Lisa. We sat quietly for a minute or two and Lisa said something like, That was good. I nodded because it was good. We went to our rooms and as I lay there along, thinking about what had happened, I realized I had never been with a woman in any sexual way, rarely was nude with another woman. I'd had sex with a few men and considered myself straight. We did not speak of it for a couple of days, but I thought about it. That night I asked Lisa if she had thought about it, and she had. I asked if she wanted to again. She said she wanted to masturbate in her bedroom. We went in and I watched Lisa undress. Her body was beautiful. Small breasts and nipples, flat stomach and round butt, Long slim legs and pretty feet. When she was naked she laid on the bed and watched me undress. I laid next to her and we masturbated with our bodies touching. It was exciting, and the next day I thought about it and wanted to masturbate again. We did, that night, in my bedroom, but this time we touched each other, masturbated one another. When we had both cum, Lisa kissed me, and I kissed back. We slept together. That went on for a week or so, then one night, Lisa asked if she could go down on me. I had an explosive orgasm and then gave her oral. For the next few months or so we lived as lesbian lovers. I loved her body and thinking of it at work excited me. One Sunday we spent the entire day naked, mostly in bed or watching TV then having sex. Unfortunately, after a couple of months, I realized that I missed men. What I really wanted was a boyfriend and then a husband, children, etc. I loved Lisa and we continued to have sex, sleep together, but one day I realized there was a guy at the office who had been flirting with me, and that I had not responded, even though I wanted to. I told Lisa, and she did not take it well. I moved out, found another place, dated the guy at the office, then some other guys, but I am still not married. I can still get aroused thinking of sex with Lisa and masturbate to that memory.