Sweet Orgasm By Vicki I can't quite remember when I first tried it but I know that I love masturbating! It is wonderful! It feels so good to know that I can make myself feel good at almost anytime, almost anywhere, just as long as I have some privacy. I am a 28 year old female named Vicki. When I was about eight years old me and Kathleen, my best friend at the time, used to go downstairs to her basement and take toilet paper and form little paper balls with them. Then we'd stick them down our panties. The friction of the little paper balls would make our pussies throb with delight. I never got an orgasm from doing that but it sure felt good. I didn't know what I was doing, but I felt that it was naughty even though it was fun. My mother was helping me to get undressed one night so I could take a bath before going to bed. And I had forgotten that I had the little paper ball stuffed in my panties. When my mom took off my panties, the paper ball fell out of my underwear, and my mom shouted, "What's this?" I immediately jumped off the bed and ran down stairs totally naked. I felt so ashamed that I had put the paper in my underwear to make my pussy feel good! I made sure that my mom never saw that again! I never really enjoyed walking around naked but I would walk around the house with my hand on my left breast. I have no idea why I did this but, I just knew that it felt good to fondle it. My parents did not discourage this behavior, until I was older, and my father said that it was not appropriate to do this anymore. So I stopped. The most early recollections of my becoming aroused was at the age of seven. I was watching a movie with two of my three sisters and I had a blanket wrapped around me. There were some pretty girls on tv and I started to get aroused by the big breasts on the women and looking at the cleavage made my pussy wet. I unzipped my pants and slid my hand down my panties and felt my throbbing pussy. I kept rubbing it and rubbing it. It felt so good but I did not orgasm at that time. I think I was about 12 or 13 when I first heard of the word "masturbation." My friend Patty was talking about it and I asked her what it was, she took her index finger and made a several circles in the air and said it was when you play with yourself. She made a disgusted look on her face as if she did not do such a thing! I also acted like I did not approve of that kind of behavior, because in part I did not know that rubbing my vagina was considered masturbating. I don't remember exactly when I had my first successful masturbation experience, but I do remember I was watching a movie on tv and a lesbian scene came on. My pussy all of a sudden began to throb furiously. My mom was in the kitchen and she could see me from where I was sitting on the couch. I could not stand it any longer so I quickly ran up the stairs sat on my bed and placed my fingers on my clit and rubbed ever so forcefully. I must have cum within three whole seconds! It was wonderful! I loved the feeling and I did not feel one bit guilty about the pleasure that I had just experienced. Till this day I still think that was one of my best and most powerful orgasms ever! Every night after that I played with my pussy. I wore feety pajamas to bed, pink ones. And at night, when I would start to get aroused, I would quietly and carefully unzip my pink pajamas. Then I'd rub my clit to orgasm very quickly so that my parents would not hear the unzipping of my pj's and the squeaking of the bed when my body would shake from the incredible orgasms that I would give myself. When I was old enough to go to overnight camp I went away for a week. It was fun. My cousins and a bunch of kids from my church also went to this over night camp. I remember fondly my first mutual masturbation experience. It was late at night and I was lying in my sleeping bag in the cabin. I could not fall asleep. I heard a voice coming from the top bunk that was parallel to mine, "Come here, come up here!" Eileen whispered quietly as not to wake any of the other sleeping campers. I jumped out of my sleeping bag and into hers. As soon as I got under the covers she grabbed my hand and placed it on her soaking wet pussy. I started to pull my hand away. She then immediately put her hand between my legs on my pussy and began to rub. This felt really good, so I kept my hand on her pussy and we laid there for about five minutes rubbing each others' vaginas. This was a new and wonderful experience for me, because I had never touched another girl's private area before! A camp counselor upon doing her nightly rounds discovered the two of us in bed together and shouted, "Get back into your own bed right this minute!" Everyone else woke up. I was embarrassed and quickly scampered back to my own sleeping bag and rubbed my pussy to orgasm until I fell asleep. Eileen and I never spoke of what we did that night for the rest of the time we spent at camp together. I remember going back when I was nine or ten; my sister took off her pants, she was about 16, and told me to put my tongue on her pussy and to lick it. So I licked her pussy for a few minutes but I got tired quickly and stopped and told her I did not want to do it anymore. So she told me to take off my clothes and she put her tongue on my pussy and licked my clit, it felt so good! I loved the feeling of her hot wet tongue on my pussy! Everyday after that I would beg her to lick my pussy but she said no! I think she felt guilty about doing that with me since I was her younger sister and that this would be considered incest. So I never asked her to do it again, but whenever I masturbated I always fantasized about a female in between my legs licking my pussy to orgasm. One time I went over my friend Kay's house after school. I was fourteen at the time. She went to the attic and brought down some porno magazines (playboy) that her father had hidden away. We sat on the floor looking at the pictures of the naked women, with their beautiful, round breasts, and their legs spread open to reveal their soft pink luscious pussies. The sight of the beautiful bodies on these women were making my pussy pound with excitement. Just then Kay said that she would be right back. As soon as she closed the door behind her I unzipped my pants and stuck my finger into my panties and rubbed my clit. I was so horny that I didn't even care if she walked back into the room and saw me! I kept masturbating till I reached my climax and orgasmed. I then quickly zipped myself back up and pretended to still be interested in the magazines. Kay came back into the room and said, "I don't want to look at this anymore," and picked up the magazines and put them away. To this day I always wonder if she stepped out of the room so that she too could masturbate. (I bet she did!) The first time that I was truly aware of being a focal point of another person's arousal is when I was about 15 years old and guys would say that I had a nice body. They would mostly comment on my full, firm round breasts. I remember one day me and three of my girlfriends were hanging out at the park at the end of my street. Jules was an attractive brunette and all the boys thought she was beautiful and I must admit that was the reason I hung around with her. Betty and Barbara were sisters. They both had blonde hair and blue eyes. They were very skinny and not very attractive, but they were fun to be around. Anyway this boy Rick, from my class, I thought that he was cute and I told my friends that I was interested in him. He was watching a baseball game and the four of us came up behind him and started grabbing his ass. He turned around with a look of astonishment on his face and then he smiled. We continued grabbing his ass and didn't even care that there were people around. Rick motioned for us to walk away from the curious onlookers and we ran behind the school. We took turns feeling Rick, through his tight black jeans, his crotch area was now bulging out of his pants. He then slowly unzipped his pants and pulled out this hard long thick pink cock! It was the most wonderful thing that I ever saw. My eyes must have almost popped out of their sockets, for this was the first time that I had ever seen such a beautiful sight. Jules, Betty and Barbara also squealed with delight. It was the first time that any of us had seen a penis! We continued to touch him and Rick loved every minute of it. We soon got quite embarrassed and told him that we had to go home. On the way home, we couldn't stop talking about Rick's huge cock and how one day we would like to suck it! This got me very excited and my pussy was throbbing and getting very wet. As soon as I got home I ran up stairs to my room and laid on my bed and rubbed my pussy to an incredible orgasm, the whole time thinking of Rick's wonderful cock. I mostly enjoy masturbating with my vibrator. It is much more intense when I place the tip of it directly on my clit. When the batteries are dead in my vibrator, I then resort to using my fingers and rub my clit to orgasm. On my days off from work I have the house to myself and I take at least an hour for a full masturbation session, teasing myself until I can't take it anymore and explode into full body spasms. I am engaged to be married and live with my fiancée and I still masturbate. Even when I'm married I think I will still continue to masturbate any time I feel the sexual desire to do it! I remember when I was eighteen I was in a car with my friends. We were going to a night club and it was Halloween night and there was this guy dressed up like a flasher with a trench coat on. He walk up to the window of the passenger's side, where I was sitting and opened his coat. He was wearing a red bra and garterbelts and red stockings, red high heels and no underwear. He began to jerk his cock. My friends screamed with disgust, but I encouraged him to keep jerking off. "Oh jerk it baby, yeah jerk your big cock for me, yeah baby jerk it, jerk it!" And he came all over the sidewalk. It was really cool because this was the first time that I talked dirty to anyone, let alone a stranger with three of my girlfriends in the car with me! I truly love to masturbate. I would love to watch my fiancée masturbate in front of me. Mmmm, maybe I'll ask him tonight! I love to sit in front of my computer and put the vibrator directly on my clit and read erotic stories. Just when I feel I'm about to climax, I pull the vibrator off of my clit and breathe deeply for a few seconds. And then I put it back on my clit and so on and so on for at least a good solid hour of pleasure, until I can no longer take it anymore. And then I just have to cum!!! Sometimes when I'm out at a club with my girlfriends and we have to use the bathroom and like, there is a huge long line, we all go in together and share a stall. And we show each other our pussies. but not intentionally! We just sort of look at each other and check each other out! Jules has a nice pussy; it is pierced! Sometimes when I masturbate I think about her. I'm not a lesbian, but I do think some women are very sexy, so I guess you could say that I'm bisexual. I have masturbated so many times in my life I can't even count how many times. One time I gave myself 12 orgasms in one day! That was when I first got my computer and I was looking at porn on the net mostly of nude women. I love their beautiful curves. Boobs, pussies and pouty lips with red lipstick are such a turn on for me. I love looking at men with their big cocks in their hands. And the expression that they have on their faces when they are ejaculating is awesome. Once I masturbated on a plane. It was a five and a half hour red eye flight and I could not get to sleep unless I satisfied my wet throbbing pussy. So I asked the flight attendant for a blanket and I covered myself up. And since I was wearing a skirt, I stuck my hand up my skirt and moved my panties over to the side and played with my clit rubbing it to a sweet orgasm. The guy sitting next to me had no idea that I was pleasuring myself! It was such a turn on! Last night my girlfriend, Marie, and I were riding in the car and she says to me, "Have you ever played with yourself?" I said yeah! Like who hasn't? She said, "I never did until last night! I was having this dream, about sex and I woke up in the middle of the night. And I was so horny, I just started playing with myself! It was awesome!" Marie is 26 years old, so I found it hard to believe, that now at her age, she just started playing with herself! But it turned me on, that she felt comfortable telling me that she masturbated, and when I got home I crawled into bed with my fiancée, and after he fell asleep I opened up my legs and felt my wet pussy. The whole time I was thinking of Marie and what she had told me. And I slowly rubbed my aching pussy to orgasm! My fiancée feels uncomfortable about masturbating in front of me, but he said, that some day soon he will do it. Soon can't come soon enough for me, but I will be ready and waiting for him. And I'll try coaxing him as often as I can! -End- Back to HOME page