Snowed In Published: January 7, 2009 (Story #32177) Category: Female-Male Author: Sue Age: 58 Comments: ~no comments After a bad snow storm, My husband Jim and I got a call from Tom, a disabled friend of ours who is confined to a wheel chair. "I'm snowed in, and can't get to my truck", Tom said to Jim. "I hate to ask, but can you come over and clear a path for me?" We've been good friends for a very long time, even before the accident that put Tom in a wheel chair. It's only a 15 minute drive to Tom's place; so of course Jim said, "Yes, we'll come". When we got to Tom's house, he said, "Thanks so much for coming. I was really getting bored, and now even the Internet is down from the storm. Can't get my porn", he said, half joking. "Too bad", Jim said. Then he patted my ass, and said, "I got my porn right here". "You're one lucky guy!", Tom said with a sly smile directed more at me than Jim. It made me feel kind of nice inside. But I couldn't help wondering what disabled men do for sex. I had never even thought about it before. "Can you jack off, Tom?", I asked, more or less thinking out load. "Sue!", my husband iinterrupted; "you shouldn't ask questions like that." But Jim said, "I don't mind. Just because I'm in a wheel chair doesn't mean I've lost interest in sex. I jack off lots. I just need pictures" Then he added with a hint of sadness in his voice, "But pictures aren't the real thing." My thoughtless question about jacking off, and that sad comment made me feel more vividly than ever before what it must be like to be seen as a disabled person in this world. I could tell Jim felt the same way as I did. "Honey. I'm going out to clear the walk. Maybe you can help Tom out, if you know what I mean. Think of it as a belated Christmas present to a guy who's been a great friend to us both for many years". I took the hint. When Jim was out, I stood directly in front of Tom, and took off my sweater and bra. Jim always says that my tits look really nice, but I've always thought that they are too large and hang too low now that I am in my 50's. But to judge from what was happening in Tom's pants, I have to say that Tom appeared to share Jim's opinion of my tits, which was great for my ego. When Tom took his cock out, it shot nearly straight up. "Very nice", I said, which brought a big smile to Tom's face. It's been a very long time since I saw anyone's cock other than Jim's. I loved seeing it, and it felt good to see Tom getting off on me. He pumped that thing like crazy, and, man, did the semen fly when he came! Afterwards, it made me feel really good to give Tom a beautiful sexual experience. In his state, he couldn't mount me, but at least this was a sexual experience with a real woman and not just a picture. I thought how good and kind Jim is to let his disabled friend see his wife topless while he masterbated. I know it didn't hurt anyone, but it was still big of Jim to encourage me to help Tom out in this way. I put my bra and sweater back on. "Tom", I said, "Look at all the semen! You even managed to get some of it on me. You're quite a man". Then I got a towel from the bathroom, and wiped the seman off of us. There really was a lot. Just about then, Jim came back inside, and said, "Everyone decent?" "You betcha," I said in my best Sara Palin voice. "Let's go home. I gotta have sex!" "Have fun", Tom said to us as we were leaving. "And thanks! Both of you." Driving back home, Jim said, "People tend to forget that disabled men can really miss being intimate with women. What you did was beautiful, Honey." Jim never asked exactly what I did, and I never told him. But I did say to Jim, "You know I feel like giving Jim intimate, human contact was more in the true spirit of Christmas than what a lot of people do when they buy expensive things for friends". "Well, don't tell the stores that; they say we have shop to save the economy".