Have done it, my son is 15 and I have done it at leat 100 times, it started a few years ago when I read an article about it in a womans day magazine referring to masturbating infants so they will go to sleep( yes an infant can have an orgasm, no cum). It started one night when my son was very upset about a homework assignment and he was failing the class, he was so tense and he was crying, i was holding him and i felt he had an erection so i reached down and began to massge it through his shorts and he stopped crying, one thing led to another and I masturbated him to an orgasm, well guess what he felt so good he was ablt to study and pass the test. WE have done it so many times and for so many reasons, I have not told anyone about it and it weill be interesting to talk abou tit here and get your perspective. I will be back in abut an hour, got to run to the store. Tracie Hi Glenn, Yes is an interesting post, just ran across it a couple days ago, seems like people really like to talk about sex here. I am 35 my son is 15 I have a daughter too 13, I am married and have a good sex life, we are just your average family, my husband knows I do this and does not have an opinion of it but would probably prefer we did not do it and I imagine when my son begikns to date it will stop. It started about 1 1/2 years ago and we do it once a week, usually on saturday morning or on ffirday night when my husband takes my daughter to dance class, it usually only lasts about 10 or 15 minutes and it is very relaxing for him, it really does seem very natural and we are very close, I would never have sex with him but I think this is a good thing for him right now. How old are you Glenn? And no if you get hard that is ok. Well most of the time it does not turn me on, I just know that it makes my son feel real good and I love him and it seems to keep him in line so to speak, he would do anything for me and he studies when I tell him to. It doe not turn me on like my husband does or like a man would, its kind of like when you see a 5 year old boy in the tub with a hard on. But some times I must admit I do get wet when I am doing it, it depends on how long sinse I have had sex. I find it very interesting to watch him cum and always try and make it good for him sometimes. I will massage his legs or chest while I am doing it and I think he really likes it more on a saturday morning when I am still in my robe, sometimes I will let my breast show a little, I know it turns him on, I can alsways tell by how long it taked him to cum. Once when we went to the neighborhood pool he asked me if I would do it when we got home so as soon as we got in I pulled off his trunks and just sat down beside him on the bed while I was still in my bikini and while I am no beauty queen and my hips and thighs are a little large he came in about 30 seconds so I know that when he sees my body he gets turned on.. just rambling now. any specific questions, I have to go to sleep soon.