A Bet with the Hairdresser I don't visit the hairdresser too often, but if I do, I am always very pleased to be served by Denise (name changed). Denise is in her thirties and she has the black curls and never-ending tan that distinguishes so many hairdressers from us mortals. She is short and amplebossomed. Denise doesn't run the shop, she's an employee there so now you know all you need. Apart from the fact that I had met her in town on occasion and had one or two drinks with her before this story happened. You know how hairdressers are: as a customer, she knew almost all about me and I knew almost all about her. What I knew without her telling me, is that she enjoyed wearing short skirts - skirts that tiny, that they hardly showed from under the 'uniform' long T-shirt that carried the name of the hairdresser's shop. Only this time, it beat every other skirt. Denise was wearing a skirt that actually was hidden under her T-shirt most of the time. She could've fooled anyone - it looked as if she was wearing nothing but the T-shirt and slippers. It was a very quiet day and I was the only customer and Denise's colleague Rose (well, her boss actually) left the shop for a pee or whatever. I took my chance. "Hope you don't mind me asking, Denise, but does nobody ever say anything about your skirts?" She laughed. "So you noticed," she said. "Well Rose did say something today. She said she preferred them a little longer. I was surprised when I saw myself in the mirror, the skirt must've shrunk a lil bit. But I like to have my legs bare. Not to show them off but I like that feeling. And it's not as if we have to bend over all day here." Believe me - she had to bend over now and then. Someone came in to buy a shampoo and she had to pick that up from a low shelf, showing me the bottom of her knickers. Later, Rose was helping a new customer at the other end of the shop and we could talk freely and I asked her bluntly if she would dare to wear that skirt without underwear. "How do you know I'm wearing knickers?" she teased and made me blush. "But I think I would dare that, yes. Not in the shop, though." From one thing came another: I bet her she didn't dare and promised to buy her dinner if she'd wear that outfit knickerless in the streets. She laughingly accepted, I thought she saw it as no more than a joke of mine. I knew her lunch break was due and that she often picnicked in a nearby park - she always cycled to the park passing my house. I suggested that we'd picnic together and she promised to pick me up at 12.30. And there she stood. I asked her to come in for a bit as I hadn't yet packed my sandwiches. She sat on a chair in the living room and shouted towards the kitchen if I would take the bet up that very moment. I told her I'd like her to take the bet anytime she felt like it and when I came in the living room, she surprised me in a big way. On the table, next to her lunch pack, were her knickers. She sat with her legs tightly together and was blushing the paint off the ceiling. "We're off, then?" she ventured and stood up. She left the knickers on the table. We walked down the stairs to front door and I said: "Wait, how do I know you didn't just put any other pair of knickers on the table?" She sighed and lifted her skirt, showing me only her thigh but definitely all the way up. I said "good" and we left the house. She was cycling in front of me and she made quite a job of it of not showing her buttocks by sitting on the very rim of the skirt. I noticed people on the footpath must have at least suspected something as she got a lot of glances. At the park, we usually sat at a picnic table near the entrance but now I suggested we walked up a hill and had lunch up there. "You vile person" she said but she didn't want to chicken out. She almost ran up that hill, I was behind her and I looked up for an exciting view. She had lost the knickers, no fooling now! I got an instant hardon, I mean, we hardly knew each other and there she was, giving me full view of her butt. She hurriedly sat down in the grass, I joined her and we ate the sandwiches. Every now and then, I had a glance of her best bits, she sat facing me with her legs folded under her buttocks so I saw a fair deal of her pussy. She knew of course. Some of the passers-by had a good idea of it as well. After finishing our lunch, we went for a little walk. "What's the point of wearing a skirt under your T-shirt if you can't see it anyway?" I asked. "The bet was over a pair of knickers not over the skirt," she said, looking a bit worried - there were a lot of people hiking. "It's not part of the bet but it's a playful challenge…" I tried. She giggled and stepped behind a tree and perched. Good trick, everybody looked away discreetly. Not me, I saw her stepping out of the skirt and unashamedly now, she gave it to me. "Take care of it," she said. We hiked for some more minutes and walked to our bikes. I asked her if she'd offer me some of the leaves of the tree where her bike leaned against and she laughed. They were well over her head but not quite out of reach. She surprised me again and grabbed a couple of leaves, exposing most of her butt. There were no pedestrians but a lot of cars drove by. She then took her skirt and put it on to cycle back to my place. I told her that she'd won the bet for sure. I didn't feel like the loser as I had dinner with Denise to look forward to. Back at my place, she didn't reach for the knickers immediately but told me that she'd sweated a lot and asked if I minded if she had a shower first. Of course I didn't mind, I said, before rushing to the toilet as I on my part needed a pee desperately. When I came back in the living room I saw her skirt, T-shirt and bra scattered over her shoes on my carpet. I sat down at the table and waited for the sound from the shower to stop and sure enough, seconds later Denise came stark naked out of the bath room. She smiled and turned her back to me as she put her clothes back on. "I decided to give you the full monty," she said, "You'd better make that a verrry nice dinner. If you drop your trousers in the restaurant, I might just pay for the drinks."