to cut a long story short my wife and I took a holiday to one of the Greek islands, after a couple of days, my wife said she would prefer to hang around the pool but if I wanted to take the bike we had rented and go and explore that would be ok. We stayed at the hotel for a couple of hours then I set off, with the intention of seeing a little more of the island. I had gone a few miles, it was really hot and I decided to explore a track I found leading to the sea, I came across a rocky cove with no one in sight. I parked the bike, and found a nice smooth rock at the waters edge and stripped off fully, there was no one around and slipped into the cool sea. I swam out a little and upon turning around I noticed a little along from where I put my things ,behind another rock was a lady sun bathing, and she looked to have the same idea as me and was totally nude. I swam a little closer, for a closer look, and at that moment she stood up, reached for a colourful sarong and wrapped it around her waist before standing up, at that point she saw me and put her hand up to wave, I looked behind me but there was no one, she was waving at me, I waved back and turned and headed towards my spot. Climbing up onto the rocks I noticed that she had come from behind her rock and was heading towards me, I grabbed my towel, wrapped it around my waist and stood against a large rock. As she approached I saw she was a lot older than me, I guessed around 50, she was actually 58 when we got chatting, she was German but spoke perfect English, she had a fantastic figure and just gorgeous pendulous breast that were completely free, there was a slight breeze too and the light, almost transparent sarong, with the split right at the front kept blowing apart to reveal a completely hair free pussy! I tried not to make it obvious sneeking a peek, but it dawned on me that she was actually quite enjoying flashing at me, and she half-heartedly giggled and tried to hold it down! I could feel a little stirring in my cock and tried hard not to keep looking at her,.... impossible! She then said she must be getting back to her place, but then turned to me and asked me if I would care to join her for lunch, well that was the last thing on my mind, however she smiled and told me to come over when I was ready, she then added I looked fine like I was, and to come soon! She went back along the rocks and I slipped back into the sea to cool off. When I came out, I had a quick rub down, slipped on my shorts, grabbed my bag and went to find her, upon coming around the rock, there she was laid out completely naked, she propped herself up on her elbows,quite aware I was admiring her naked form! She smiled and patted the rock next to her for me to sit down, ''you got dressed '' she said, and laughing told me this was a 'clothing free zone' there was only one thing for it and I stood up and pulled down my shorts, the cold dip I had just had had helped to keep my previous erection in check, although I could see her eyes divert to look at me, and I must admit I was quite enjoying this older lady checking me out, she made some comment about not doing this too often, apparently her husband was working in Athens and she had flown out for a few days to get the sun and relax. As I was a lot closer now I couldn't help noticing that she had a rather prominent labia, almost like folds on a flower, and one side was pierced with a small gold ring with a tiny diamond that sparkled in the sun, she caught me looking, ''so you like my diamond, my husband bought it for me some years ago, do you like piercings?' I had to admit, I liked that one, she smiled and thanked me! She then reached down and pulled slightly on the ring, as one would toy with a necklace or other piece of jewelry, obviously I just had to look Well as you can imaging this was having an effect on me and my cock started to stiffen and within seconds was fully erect and pointing skywards! My first instinct was to cover up, and I tried to re adjust my towel, but then must have noticed, she smiled at me, ''that is better, to see a young man so firm and hard, you obviously like what you see, its nice for a lady like me to receive compliments like that!'' What could I say, I stood against the rock and let her look, we were both enjoying showing ourselves to each other, it was definitely a first time experience for me. We continued to eat lunch, she had brought lots of different specialties, quite bizzarre in a way, but quite natural too. After lunch we swam, then back on land chatted about this and that, she explained that she had a great relationship with her husband and she hoped I appreciated that, me too with my wife,so basically nothing would go further, which I fully understood and appreciated her honesty. She brought out the sun cream and slowly spread it around her breasts, I was transfixed and she smiled as she used both hands to rub the cream in, then she got a small bit and slightly opened her legs before rubbing it in to her exposed pussy,she offered me some saying I should really put some on ny most sensitive parts, I knew straight away where this was leading,she wanted to watch, and to be honest, I wanted to let her see me, I rubbed a small amount on my cock which instantly started to stiffen, she smiled and I rubbed a little more, pulling back my foreskin, which she seemed to like very much, I had to stop, or she may have got a little more than she bargained for, or maybe that was here idea? We chatted and shared the rest of the food and drink together and had a most amazing experience. And that is how we ended it. It was getting a little late and I must get back to see my wife,we thanked each other for the pleasureable couple of hours, she was really a fantastic lady, I did make it back there a couple of days later, however it was totally deserted.