Published: April 16, 2010 (Story #36559) Category: Female-Female Author: Helen Age: 40 Comments: Update from my last post Naturist Family - Masturbation Thoughts First of all thanks to everyone who has posted comments on my previous posts, I'm glad they find them interesting. I thought it was time to answer one or two questions raised and give an update on what's happened. I know some people will always view naturism and the idea of a family being naked together as something a bit perverted and sexual but I can assure you that is not the case. After the initial embarrassment is over it really does seem very natural and it's a wonderful feeling being naked in the open air. I'm sure anyone who tries it will find it quite different to how they thought it would be beforehand. I want to make clear that we have never forced Steven or Sarah to do anything they were uncomfortable with and would never dream of doing so, and Sarah in particular has really taken to being naked around the house. I think it's good if they are comfortable with their own bodies and in being seen naked by each other, so many people have hang ups about how they look which they should hopefully avoid. We've also tried to be very open with them about sexual matters and to bring them up with the view that sex is something natural and enjoyable and not something "naughty" or a subject that should not to be discussed. I've always encouraged Sarah to ask me about anything she wants as she's got older and Derek's done the same with Steven, and naturally we've discussed things like contraception with them. I'd like to think that Sarah and I have a good mother / daughter relationship and she can talk openly to me. Both of them have a fairly wide set of friends of both sexes, like any normal teenagers, but no special boyfriend or girlfriend yet. I have been thinking quite a bit about my desire to see them masturbating and I think it's been prompted to some degree by seeing them naked and realising that they are no longer children but young adults with the bodies that go with it. I realise that some people will think it wrong for me to have these thoughts but I can't deny how aroused I became listening to Sarah masturbate while standing outside her bedroom door. In answer to one comment made, yes I would love to watch Steven stroke himself to ejaculation if I had the opportunity, and yes I do think his penis is larger than Derek's when erect! Despite my curiosity though I would never try and push either of them into masturbating in front of me or make them do anything they were uncomfortable about doing. Anyway, latest developments. Last week Sarah said she wanted to ask me something, would it be okay if her friend Amy joined us for one of our nude weekends as they'd been talking together about it and Amy would love to see what it was like herself. I told her that I had no problem with Amy joining us, she's actually a lovely young girl, but we'd need to do a couple of things. First of all I'd want Amy to talk to her parents about it and get her mother to call me and let me know she was happy with her joining us. Secondly I felt Sarah should ask Steven if he was okay with Amy being around and he wouldn't be embarrassed by it at all. Sarah giggled and said she couldn't see him objecting to having another naked girl to look at, but she'd ask him all the same. This then prompted one of our little mum and daughter conversations about naturism and related things. Sarah told me that she and Steven hadn't gone naked together before that first Saturday, they'd talked about what it would be like being without clothes, but the first time they'd seen each other was in the kitchen that morning. Sarah said she'd been really nervous about it beforehand but once everyone had seen one another it was okay, and now she loved being naked around the house. She said Steven was okay with it now too but he still gets embarrassed if he gets hard. I asked her how she felt about it when she saw Steven like that and she said she quite liked it! She admitted that his was the first erect penis she'd ever seen and at first she was like "wow" but now she was used to it and thought it cool when he got stiff. From our conversation I don't think Sarah deliberately tries to get Steven erect by showing herself to him say when sitting in a chair, I still think any views he gets of her lower regions are purely accidental. She then said there was something she felt guilty about and wanted to tell me. When we'd had our last family naturist day the weekend before, she said she'd gone into Steven's room to ask him something and he'd been lying on his bed playing with himself. She'd watched for about a minute before he realised she was there, she'd then said sorry and left the room. She said she felt really bad about it as she wouldn't have gone in had she known, but his door wasn't closed properly and she didn't think of knocking. She told me she'd said sorry again later to him and he'd said to forget it as he should have closed the door but she still felt really bad and embarrassed by it. Given my thoughts about them and masturbation I had to resist the temptation to ask her any more about what she'd seen or to appear too interested in it. Anyway I told her that there was nothing wrong with masturbating or anything to get embarrassed about as we all do it, it's normal and enjoyable. I told her she must do it too, as I was doing it all the time at her age, humping pillows and all sorts! With a blush and a giggle she admitted to me that yes she did. I then said that I still masturbate now which seemed to surprise her, I think she thought you stopped once you got married and just had sex instead. I then made a suggestion to her. If she wanted to really clear things with Steven, when she asked him about Amy, why didn't she tell him that she still felt bad about what she'd seen and therefore why didn't they masturbate together so they'd both have seen each other doing it. She was clearly surprised and a bit shocked by my suggestion but I told her to think about it. I said she must be curious about what Steven does and he'd be the same about her and if they wanted to show each other I certainly didn't have a problem with it as long as it didn't go further than masturbation. She then said she'd have a think about it as yes it would stop her feeling bad about what had happened and she would like to watch Steven again too. I know I may get criticised for encouraging them to masturbate together, and yes the thought of them doing it together or to each other does arouse me, but I do have other reasons for suggesting it. From reading Solo Touch it's clear that many brothers and sisters experiment with masturbation together and I think it can only help when they come to do things with a boyfriend or girlfriend later on as they would know how they would like to be touched and so on. We are also going on our first naturist vacation in a few weeks time and Steven and Sarah will be sharing a room as there's no real need for modesty! I'm sure that during the week, particularly being surrounded by so many naked bodies, they will have the urge to relieve themselves. It would be far better if they could do so in front of one another rather than each having to try and get a spare moment to themselves. Two days ago I had a call from Amy's mother, we do actually know each other from school meetings, to say she was happy with Amy joining us if she wanted to. We then had quite a long discussion on naturism with Sue her mother admitting that she quite fancied trying it too if she could ever pluck up the courage to try it. I gave her an invitation that if the rest of her family ever wanted to join us they'd be welcome, so who knows what may happen there. I told Sarah that Amy's mother was fine with things and asked if she'd spoken to Steven. She said she had and he was fine too. I then asked about the other thing. She said she thought it would clear things up so had mentioned it to him and he'd been really surprised when she'd said it. He wanted to think about it first though. I asked her if she'd let me know what they decided and she agreed. Amy's joining us next weekend for our family day and it will be interesting to have someone around outside the usual family. I'm sure Steven will get an erection, Amy is quite cute and attractive, and it will be interesting to see how he deals with it. Teenage girls being what they are I am also sure that Sarah and Amy will have talked about Steven's penis and I think Amy would be very disappointed if she didn't see it erect !