Solo Touch Masturbation Stories, Techniques - Fact and Fantasy Home | Contributions | Masturbation Stories - May 2007 | Full Month | By Category | Male-Female 15 Solo Touch Presents She Asked Me To Let Her Watch Published: May 28, 2007 (Story #26034) Category: Male-Female Author: BC Age: ~not given Comments: ~no comments Many of the stories I read on Solo Touch remind me of similar times. Before we were married, to get to know each other, my future wife I lived together a good bit, especially on weeks. She had told me earlier she enjoyed masturbating and knew I did it too. We had not seen each other masturbate until one night when we were in bed watching TV she asked me to show her how I liked to do it when I was alone. She said she wanted to learn how I liked to do it so she could learn to do it for me. I started slowly rubbing my dick but she soon sensed I was a little embarrassed. She said, "Don't stop, just pretend I'm not here and enjoy it like you usually do". I told her I had always wanted to do it with someone watching but my first wife would not allow me to masturbate as she felt it was adolescent behaviour. Well, I started stroking again but when I got to a certain point it told her I wasn't sure I could cum with her watching. She said, "Masturbation or 'beating off' is a perfectly natural thing for anyone to do. I've done it any time I wanted since I was about 13". She said she raised her sons as a single parent and when they were young she knew by the stains on their socks and handkerchiefs they did it all the time and she didn't mind. In fact she told them she understood as it was a part of growing up. She then said, "Go ahead, relax, don't hold back, pump it full and let it cum". That helped a bit but I still couldn't let go. After several minutes watching me still a bit tense, she calmly said, "OK, I know what you need. Watch me, I'll masturbate with you and we can try to cum together". Only once had I done this and I was beginning to feel more comfortable knowing she was enjoying me watch her. She slowly began massaging her breasts, pinching her nipples and moaning and I was starting to realize she really wanted us to cum. As she began to stroke her pussy I was getting more into it. She spread her lips, slid a finger inside and began to pump it in and out. I could see her pussy was getting wet as she rubbed cum on her clit and her body started to shake like she was close to getting off. She had been 'in her own world' for a few minutes when she turned to me and asked, "Are you more comfortable beating off with me watching by now?" I said, "Yes, finally". She said, "OK, I'm ready if you are. Finish what you are doing while I watch. I want both of us see it when it cums. As soon I see it shoot off my pussy will cum too". Well, that convinced me she was serious so I started beating faster like I've done alone for so long. I was super hard by now and I could feel the pressure building. I told her I thought I was ready and she said, "Let it cum, show it to me, I want to see it shoot off". With that I watched her begin to rapidly finger her pussy and my cum shot off more than ever, all over my stomach, my dick and dripping down my hand. I finally had someone who really wanted to watch me cum and cum with me. As soon as she saw it shoot off, she touched her clit and exploded instantly. I didn't have to hide my desires any more. That was the first of many things we learned to enjoy doing together. We truly became excited in trying things together we had only dreamed of. Like, well..... I'll save that until later, you should be aroused enough for now. I'd be interested to hear what you do after reading this...........To be continued...