This happened three or four years ago now. I was sharing a flat with a friend I had met at work called Lucy. I had split from my husband and needed somewhere to stay until I got the finances sorted out. Lucy was a little younger, about 40 and in a relationship with a guy but not very happy because he was a commitment phobe. We would often go out together for drinks or stay at home watching dvds, the conversation always ending up moaning about men. More often than not, we would commiserate with each other about our situations. One night we were indoors just chatting and, not unusually, the talk turned to sex. I was saying how it had been a while but couldn't see myself rushing into another relationship and didn't want a one night stand so it was all rather frustrating for me. Lucy nodded and started saying how her boyfriend was so jittery about getting too involved that she was seeing less and less of him which meant less sex, so she had bought herself a vibrator. I was really curious because I had never really even thought about getting one and she said she would get it from her bedroom and show me. She brought it down and said I should turn it on and put it on the tip of my nose to feel the sensation. It was one of those that moved round and round at the top, so I put it on my nose as she suggested and of course we ended up giggling as this thing tickled the tip of my nose. After a while I put it down and we carried on laughing but then she said she also had a couple of porn dvds and ran upstairs to bring those down. Now at this point I was a little turned on after playing with the vibrator wondering what it would feel like on somewhere other than my nose, but that was all. Lucy came down with a dvd and said I had to see this. It was set in a hospital and it was either the doctors having sex with the nurses, or the nurses having sex with the patients and it left nothing to the imagination! First of all we watched it giggling, making comments about the actors, then we were just quiet watching it. By this time I was getting really quite turned on and could feel myself getting wet and was looking forward to getting into bed to give myself a good jilling. Then Lucy said how turned on she was watching this and how was I feeling? I said I was turned on too, feeling quite embarrassed. She was quiet for a moment and then asked if I would mind if she used her vibrator!! Now, she was on one couch, I was on another kind of at a right angle to her. Not really knowing what to say I said that was ok and she laughed and said she would put a cushion over herself so I wouldn't have to see what she was doing. I laughed. We both had jeans on and although I tried to keep my eyes on the screen they kept darting back to Lucy. True to her word, she had the cushion over her but I could she had pulled down her jeans a little and could hear the buzz of the vibrator and see the motion of what she was doing under that cushion. I couldn't remember ever feeling quite so horny before, I had never really thought of women sexually before but seeing Lucy like this was just incredible. She had her eyes half closed and I could hear her breathing and now and again the slurp of her wetness. That was it. I said "God you've got me going now!" and she just sort of smiled and sighed and said I should see to myself too so I unbottoned the top of my jeans and slipped my hand down into my panties. I was so wet and my clit felt like it was on fire, it was fantastic. So there we were, both masturbating, her with her vibrator, me with my hand, neither of us really able to see too much of what the other was doing, because she had her cushion and I had just undone my jeans enough to slip my hand in, but it was the most erotic thing imaginable. Soon we were both squirming and being quite loud, with me just watching her, I gave up on the dvd! She came first, with me not long after. We sat there comfortable for a while, just laughing gently and then both doing ourselves up, and chatting some more. We went to our separate bedrooms that night and the experience was never repeated although we would give each other knowing looks now and again. I moved out about four or five months after, got a new job and we lost touch but it remains one of my most intense ways to get aroused when I masturbate. If you read this Lucy, just want to say thanks!