Are You Just Happy To See Me? Published: November 10, 2006 (Story #23302) Category: Male-Female Author: Banana Joe Age: ~not given Comments: A fun yet frustrating trip to the free clinic This experience took place just after I graduated from college. A male friend of mine had just been diagnosed with genital warts. Although I always been careful in my own sexual exploits, I decided to give myself a once over, and I was scared when I saw what appeared to be little bumps around the base of my penis. I was feeling paranoid, so I decided to get it checked out. Of course, I had no insurance, so my only option was the free clinic. I showed up and waited for an hour until I finally was seen. I was sent to an examination room and told to wait for a doctor. The doctor that came through the door was a woman in her 40's, with pulled back blond hair just above her shoulders and a slightly overweight "jolly" body. She greeted me pleasantly and asked what had brought me to the clinic. I told her my fears and described what I had found. She said "I guess we can't know for sure until we take a look." I was still clothed, but she had me sit on the examining table. She pulled out the lower step in the front of the table and told me to stand up. She pulled her chair up and was now seated in front of me with her face just above my crotch level. She said "We'll have to lose these," and reached up and undid my button and unzipped my zipper and then pulled my pants and underwear both down with a quick pull. I don't know if it was just the shock of my pants coming down at that speed or the fact that my penis was right in front of her face, but I immediately started to get hard. By the time she had positioned her examination light on me, I was completly erect. She looked at my penis, and she said "I think we both know that isn't a rabbit in your pocket, so I guess you're happy to see me!" At this point she laughed a loud laugh, and I was blushing like crazy. She looked at me and said, "It looks like I've embarrassed you, but there is no reason to be embarrassed. Erections happen. Besides, I think it actually might help me to examine you." She reached up and grasped my penis in her hand and started turning it back and forth in the light. She looked it all over, occasionaly squeezing it and pulling at the skin. Her face was only inches away from my penis and I could feel her breath on me. Finally she said, "I don't see any sign of warts, but you do have some irritation. Do you have any other skin conditions like psoriasis?" I said that I did have psoriasis. She said "Well, you know that flares up when you get a lot of friction on skin. Not so common on the penis though. How often do you masturbate?" I started blushing again and told her that I did it at least once a day. She said "Now don't be embarrassed, there is nothing wrong with masturbating. Now, do you do it with an up-and-down motion like this?" She proceeded to masturbate me roughly for a couple seconds. I gasped and told her that was how I did it. She said "See, that is your problem right there. Most boys are too rough with themselves. And I suppose you don't use any lubrication either?" I said no. She said "Well, no wonder why your little man looks so beat up!" She laughed again and said "This is a much better way to do it. Just take your fingers and rub right here just under the tip of your penis. It's very sensitive there. Do you feel that?" She was slowly stroking me right where she had said, and I nodded my head because I definitely could feel it. She kept on talking saying things about lubricants and what not, but all I could think about was the orgasm that was building up in me as she continued to stroke me. Suddenly, she stopped and said "So, do you think you understand the technique or do you need me to show you again?" I didn't know what to say, but I finally said "Again." She laughed and began stroking me again, but slightly faster. I felt myself coming close again to orgasm, but then she stopped again. She said "How about now?" And I quickly said "Again please." She said "You sure are a slow learner," and she stroked me again this time moving her fingers around the ridge of my head and her other hand begin to stroke my scrotum. By this time I was panting, and my legs were shaking almost uncontrollably. Precum was glistening on the tip of my penis, and I could feel the first contractions of my orgasm beginning, but then she stopped again. She smiled at me and said "I think you probably have a handle on it now." She gave my penis a quick squeeze and pulled my pants up. She said "Just make sure that you use that technique from now on. You might want to stop in the bathroom on the way out. You don't want to be walking around with a rabbit in your pocket. Somebody might notice." She laughed and left the examination room. I quickly left the examination room and found my way to the bathroom were I almost instantly had a massive orgasm. Her technique is still one of my favorites.