Posted 6/08 [F] One man speculated that female doctors might be taught how to induce erections during examinations. Well in my experience certainly not, and it would be very much frowned upon too, for obvious reasons. But there are times when it does occur when the doctor feels it to be necessary. At various times I've assisted different doctors carrying out medical examinations on adolescents. In our region these are done continuously over several weeks visiting many different schools. The staff are always female, because the same teams examine both girls and boys. Usually one doctor and one or sometimes two nurses assisting. Where boys are concerned, the exam includes checking for hernia and condition/development of testicles and penis. We always have them in the exam room separately. Until about ten years ago the doctor would do the intimate exam alone, but nowadays there has to be a witness in case of complaint. Most patients pass straight through the screening, but many of them do get spontaneous erections during the genital exam, and even before if they know what to expect. The doctor retracts the foreskin when present, and that often sets them off immediately. It's noticeable that it varies widely according to the doctor, and on the particular day. Some days lots of them erect, other days not so many. I have also worked with doctors who do deliberately erect the patient if they are in any doubt about possible abnormalities. A little momentary pressure in the right place rarely fails to produce the desired effect. But obviously they don't let the patients know that's the intention. It is a fact that it is much easier to diagnose deformities in an erect penis than a flaccid one, and no two are exactly the same, so it's hard to tell what it will look like when erect. Undue curvature and tight foreskin then become obvious. Strictly speaking they are not allowed to do such things, and I've certainly not known of it done to an adult male, but for the sake of expediency that is what often happens with teenagers. Not all doctors do it by any means. Many of them simply make reference in the patients notes if they are in any doubt. Judging by the posts in your site, a lot of the boys remember the procedure well. I hope this gives you some insight into the background. We were talking about this again at work on Friday. There is increasing pressure to diagnose, and a lot of criticism in the current climate when any problems are missed. One of the docs in our unit feels that these screenings should be carried out more thoroughly at a younger age. Around 10/11, instead of at present 13/14. That only applies to boys of course. She also feels that erecting should be a normal part of the procedure, because you just don't always pick up problems like severe curvature with a brief flaccid inspection, and in the vast majority of cases it's not difficult to do in a sensitive and understanding way. The chances of getting it written into the procedure are close to nil though. Because different authorities have different approaches, and most of them bury their heads in the sand unfortunately. Not all Doctors will agree by any means, but I certainly do, and so will those that tend to be more thorough instead of just getting through the day. M] For me, female doctors are definitely much preferable to male which it comes to intimate exams. Females feel much less invasive to me, and on the odd occasion that an erection has occurred, it's a lot less embarrassing than in front of a male. Women also seem to be a lot more sensitive when it comes to things like prostate exams. I don't know why, but on the sole occasion I had a male practitioner do it he was quite brutal. Unnecessarily so, and I actually woke up in the night several times remembering it afterwards. I haven't had much trouble since I was an adolescent with getting erections during an exams except once in my forties. I don't like it because you feel it's out of control, but it wasn't so bad. I've always felt apprehensive about it since I had an exam at school when I was aged about 13. On that occasion we were called up one by one for a medical, and a couple of the other boys mentioned that the doctor examines your genitals and laughed about it. I honestly thought they were joking, especially when it had got to three quarters of the way through, and although I was only in my under pants all I'd had was blood pressure, breathing, hearing etc etc. But the all of a sudden the doctor pulled my under pants down and began examining and feeling my testicles. I couldn't at the time believe the reaction I felt. I wasn't really embarrassed, but I could feel my heart thumping and my penis felt aglow and just starting to stiffen slightly. I managed to suppress it by sheer will power, and hoped the doctor didn't notice. But then she took it in her hand and pushed the foreskin back slightly to uncover the glans and started talking about it. It became much harder to suppress and I was beginning to lose the battle. I suppose she thought I wasn't going to respond, because she then ever so gently massaged it with one finger for a couple of seconds. Well that absolutely did it, and it just shot up into a full erection in a few seconds while she watched it, obviously with a great deal of interest. I realised then that the assistant nurse had been watching from the side. I felt quite devastated at the time, having never had anything like that happen before. It was a full half minute after that before she let me cover up and get dressed. Nothing was said about the erection at any point, apart from asking me if the foreskin felt tight. But I do feel she had deliberately provoked it by the way she had touched it.