-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was 18 months younger than my brother and we were always very close, mostly because the other kids in the street were much older than us. As was normal at that time we were bathed together and dressed together and so were used to seeing each other naked. This continued untill our mother decided that 10yr old girls should not bathe with their 11yr old brothers, why I had no idea, but mums word was law. We played together the innocent games of children in the early 1960's when the permissive society had not been heard of, let alone reached where we lived. We went on "adventures" rode our bikes, climbed trees and generally just had fun. One hot summers afternoon when I was 12 we were in our swimsuits, playing in a tent on our back lawn when Mother decided that she needed to go visit a sick friend, but as we were trusted to play nicely without supervision she would leave us for the 3 hours she would be gone. Mother had not got out the gate before Adrian was suggesting we play "Dr's and Nurses" and would I please get undressed so the Dr could examine me. This was something he'd picked up from school and as I had seen him naked so many times before I could not understand what the fuss was all about, but it was fun so I went along with it. This time was different though, no sooner had I slipped my swimsuit off and laid back than he was stroking my chest instead of just looking which we'd always done before. He started asking me about when I thought I was going to get tits and hair on my fanny and I just didn't know, but what he was doing felt nice. His hand slipped between my legs and he rubbed my slit and I could see the front of his trunks being pushed out and I have to admit that it made me laugh. Adrian looked out the tent flap and after making sure the coast was clear, grabbed me by the hand and dragged me naked indoors and up to his bedroom where he laid me on his bed and lay down beside me and started to kiss me. My first thought was YUCK! but then I started to enjoy being kissed and kissed him back while his hand rubbed between my legs. He asked me if I loved him and when I said yes he asked me to prove it,so I said "how" and he said "let me fuck you" Fuck was a dirty word that was whispered in the playground and I had no idea of what it actually meant, just that it was THE dirty word, so I said "OK you can fuck me!" He pushed my legs apart and climbed on top of me and started to prod around. More by luck than judgment he found the right place and it started to go in. I was lying there thinking "what IS he doing?" but as he stretched me it was beginning to get very nice and soon he had all 5" inside me. ( sorry everyone but there was no agonising pain, no screaming, climbing trees and playing soccer had seen to that). So there he was inside me looking down at me and he started to push it in and out and we just sort of knew what to do. I was not soaking but I was lubricating which made things easier and it wasn't long before I felt his get even bigger inside me and start to throb and he gave a sudden grunt and I felt something warm splash inside me. We lay together just kissing and hugging until he softened and slipped out of me. That was our first fuck. I needed to pee and stood up and was amazed to find this sticky stuff start to run down my thighs, I had no idea of what it was but Adrian explained that it was spunk and its what makes babies. After my pee, I went back into his room and he put my hand on his cock which soon got hard again. He wrapped my hand round it and showed me how to wank him and very soon I had his spunk not only over my hand but on my chest as well. He told me it would help make my tits grow so he rubbed it into my nipples. (It didn't work I'm still only 34B) This was the start of a relationship which lasted until I was 16. I got tits when I was 13 and hair about the same time, my periods started when I was 15. We had never heard of oral sex and it wasn't until I was 14 that he found a mucky mag someone had dropped which had pictures in, needless to say I was soon sucking cock and swallowing his spunk, no one told us that some girls spit! We never used any form of contraception and in hindsight I suppose we were lucky I didn't get pregnant by him, on the other hand maybe its a shame! Oh yes we are still very close Well thats my story, every word is true. all this happened in the early 60's I'm now in my 40's and no it never happened again since. sorry its not more spectacular but thats the way it happened for us.