Solo Touch Masturbation - Fact and Fantasy Home | Contributions | Archive | Masturbation Stories - Apr 2004 | Full Month | By Category | Female Solo Solo Touch Presents Extra Fun While on Vacation Published: April 28, 2004 (Story #9137) Category: Female Solo Author: Kate Age: 17 Comments: This site rocks! This past summer (2003), my family and I went down to Los Angles to visit my aunt and uncle for a few weeks. The day we arrived in L.A. and met my uncle Ron and my cousin, Stacy, turned out (as they said) to be extra warm. So, we get our bags and go out to my uncle's SUV. We load up and head for their place. Well, well—we knew my uncle was a surgeon, but just never really knew how much he was worth till he pulled into the driveway of what Stacy said was "their tiny pad." I'm sorry—but their "pad" made ours back home look like a shoe box. After we unloaded the bags and the hugs and stuff were done, my aunt said lunch was ready. So, we follow her out onto the deck. After that, we just spent the rest of the day hanging out and relaxing. Stacy and I went and changed and spent a good part of the afternoon in the pool. My uncle and cousin, Marty, had taken my dad and brother to a baseball game and my mom and aunt (her sister) were inside visiting. At one point, I looked over just as Stacy was coming out of the house and watched as she took off her bikini and jumped into the pool. I picked up my drink and was takin' a sip, when she said, "Oh come on, you must be boilin' in that one-piece black swimsuit—take it off. It's ok we do it all the time." After hesitating for a few minutes I stood up and took it off. I jumped into the water right away. We swam around for a long time, splashing each other and just being girls. My aunt came out and Stacy swam over to the edge of the pool to talk to her. I was sitting on one of those floating pool chairs and had closed my eyes for a second or two. When I opened them and raised my hand to block the sun, I spotted Stacy still on the edge of the pool. At first I didn't know what she was doing. I thought by the way her arm was bent that she was on the phone or something. Boy, I soon found out I was wrong! In fact she had been masturbating using the jet in the pool wall. Well, anyway—as I lay there watching her, she looked over at me and said, "Hey, you like to get yourself off?" I said I did. She then said, "Well, come over here and try this." I swam over to her and she says, "Ok, now—stand right here until you feel the jet hitting your crotch." So again I did it. Oh my god, in like a short time, I had convulsions ripping through me and I came hard. After that we swam around some more and then just laid out nude by the pool for a couple hours. That night, after everyone had returned from a visit to the pier, Stacy and I headed up to her room. I said something like, "Oh god, I wish I could have a quick shower" (or something like that). She said, "Go ahead—the biffy is through that there door." So seeing that she was now naked, I too removed my clothes and headed for her bathroom. Well—OH MY GOD—it had the biggest shower I had ever seen. You could have like three people in comfortably! Anyway, I turned on the water and adjust it. I stepped in and shut the door. I stood under the water getting wet. That's when I heard a voice. It was Stacy saying, "Hope you don't mind, I needed to take my contacts out. By the way—you see that panel in the wall by the (glass)door? If you hit 'all' you can speed your shower up." That's all she said. Puzzled, I hit 'all' and in an instant there was water pouring out of a number of small showerheads. Over the water, she yelled out, "It's one of those multi-head systems." She was right in that it would speed up the shower. I found this one head down the wall from the taps that if you adjusted it right... it would shoot water onto your lower stomach and crotch. Oh my—I found a new way to have "fun." I guess I got into the mood a lot more then I thought and started to moan with the pleasure. From out by the sink, I heard Stacy say, "Are you ok in there? Bet you found the surprise?" I gasped out a "Yaaa, I did." Next thing I knew, the door opens and Stacy steps in saying; "Sounded like you are enjoying it, figured I'd join ya." Well, we each took turns masturbating with that 'special' showerhead and doing it to each other. We soaped each other's backs and washed up. After we dried off and climbed into our beds, we talk about everything from boys, school, masturbating and sex till we fell asleep. For the remaining days of our two week trip, Stacy and I had some "playtime" everyday. Besides all the stuff we did on the trip, those times with Stacy have left me with many great thoughts to relive in my head when I masturbate. We had been back home for a few days and my brother comes along and says, "You know, sis, you and Stacy weren't the only ones who had 'fun' while on the trip. Chris (Stacy's brother) and I got off twice a day and a couple times, we snuck into Stacy's room while you two were down in the pool and jacked off into your panties." We ended up sharing stories about our 'fun' times and even started to masturbate with each other. Those stories may come at a later date. Bye Legal Advice: Please feel free to download, save, print and/or link to this story. You may not publish or sell any text that appears on the Solo Touch Website without the prior written consent of the Solo Touch Webmaster. Home | Contributions | Archive | Masturbation Stories - Apr 2004 | Full Month | By Category | Female Solo In order to protect minors, Solo Touch does not permit authors to include contact information in posts. Also, certain topics are not allowed on Solo Touch. For more information, please see: Rules and Why Rules. [ Privacy Policy ] [ Top of Page ] [ Advertising ] Copyright © 1997-2005 by All rights reserved.