Beat of your own drummer by Jul 20 This is a true but incredible story. I wrote about my long time girlfriend in this section (Showing Her How) whereby I showed her how to jack me off by masturbating. Here, I'm going to take a short bypass to tell about something that happened before I was dating that girl. I was a junior in high school. It was a small catholic high school which meant most of the students had also attended small catholic grade schools. There was one girl I'll call Marie who came to my school in 6th grade. She was nice enough and very friendly. She always flirted with me, looking back, though at the time I didn't know any better. Marie was what I would call big boned. She was not fat; she was athletic. She was tall and cute, and she had very large breasts (my personal fetish!). As a childish 6th grader I would walk up behind her and either snap her bra or grab both her breasts for a brief second and essentially juggle them. She always would scream and chase me around, never catching me. This happened throughout sixth, seventh and eighth grade. Then high school began and sex took on a whole new meaning. We were in band together (me the drums, her the flute). Surprisingly to some, there are plenty of opportunities for band members to get it on. We had summer practices, overnight trips and plenty of basketball and football games where we'd have to change in and out of our uniforms. Our freshman year, we went on a trip to a local theme park. Marie and I and a group of others went on a water ride where we all got drenched. Marie's huge breasts stuck out prominently through her tight t-shirt. Her nipples were visible and rock hard, which got me very aroused. From there, we went to a ferris wheel type of ride with enclosed cars that spun around in circles. Marie and I entered the car with another girl and closed the door. I sat behind Marie, who was between me and the other girl. As the car began to spin, I jokingly hung on to Marie's huge breasts with a giggle from her. At the same time she slid back and rubbed her ass against my hard prick. This went on for the duration of the ride. On another trip to Chicago, we finished our concert and were getting ready to head out to downtown for some shopping. We were in the bus trying to figure out where we were going and what we were going to do. It had been cold at the marching band exhibition so we were all bundled up. We kept talking and soon Marie was peeling off her clothes down to her bra so she could put on a normal shirt. When I say she was huge, I mean she was huge. She had to have been a full d-cup with nipples about a half inch across and three quarters long. I know as I could see them through her bra. Our junion year (yes I'm getting there) we were in St. Louis. I was sharing a room with three other guys that could only be described as losers. They were all geeks as I had waited to sign up for a room. Marie was bunking with two hot girls and one so so girl. The so so girl was the type that was always trying to get into the in group and was very small in stature. We had smuggled some Everclear on the trip and were drinking and laughing. Marie asked Mandy if she had trouble having sex b/c she was so small as a joke and Mandy said she didn't. I of course had to let her know that she'd be having a problem with me and my oversized cockhead (no, really). Well, combine the alcohol, the setting and the fact that apparently Mandy was pretty much a slut and pretty soon I'm in the bathroom with Mandy sucking me off. After what seems like only a second, Marie opens the door jokingly to see if we're really going at it or not. Only she doesn't turn away or leave but just kind of watches. So, I reach out and grab a handful of big ole titty and start to rub and pinch her nipples. Marie and I start to kiss while Mandy is sucking away. I work my hand inside her shirt and for the first time feel her huge nipples harden between my thumb and finger. She moans and I pinch a little more. Folks, when I say her nipples were big, what I really mean is they were fucking huge! I've never seen nipples the size of hers since but would sure like to (go ahead and send me an email if you'd like). Anyway, I'm getting sucked by this little tiny thing while kissing Marie and feeling her huge tits and nipples. Without even thinking about warning Mandy, I let loose and shoot a large load of cum down her throat, causing her to gag a little. Being the macho guy I was, I grabbed her head with one of my hands and just forced her to swallow more of my cock and my load. The whole time, Marie and I continued to kiss. When I was done cumming, I said something macho like 'lick the rest' or something like that while Marie watched Mandy lick the rest from my tip. It was the first time Marie had seen my prick and I think it was what really lit her fire. Later that year, I began to notice a girl in band named Sal. Sal was actually in a totally different crowd and was a cheerleader. She was seductive and aloof, which drove me crazy. She was small in stature, which went against my big boob fetish, but was very attractive. She also befriended Marie, and around the same time Marie took the gloves off in terms of chasing me openly. There would be nights when Marie and Sal would come knocking at my window. Usually, I was already in bed though sometimes I was actually jacking off looking at Juggs magazine or something similar. I would let them in through the basement door and they would come into my bedroom. We'd kind of chat and then Marie would always make some half joking reference to getting it on. She'd paw at me and we'd wrestle on my waterbed while Sal looked on embarassed. A few times I'd unbutton Marie's shirt a few buttons until I got embarrased of the onlooker and stop as well. Other times, I'd go outside and go drive around with Marie and Sal. One night, I got in the car and we went to meet up with Sal's boyfriend. We drove around the small town for a few hours and eventually went to a location where some new houses were being built. Sal and her boyfriend went off for what we all knew was sex and Marie and I stayed in the car. I knew Marie wanted me, but for some reason I wasn't interested. So after a while we got out and started to walk around. We eventually stumbled on Sal and her boyfriend going at in one of the partially completed houses. He was sitting on a stack of lumber and she was kneeling in front of his lumber! She was stroking him up and down and taking him in her mouth. I have to say that I was pretty impressed with the size of his tool. I am not well endowed in terms of length so it doesn't take much to make me envious. Marie commented on the size of his prick and I agreed that it was impressive. Marie commented on having seen my cock and how she hadn't ever seen one with such a large cockhead. This made me kind of embarassed but I agreed that it wasn't that common and we went back to watching the show. About that time, Sal stood up and lifted up her skirt, dropped her panties and backed in to the huge piece of cock that was there. It looked painful to me, but she inched her way down the shaft until she had it all inside of her. Her boyfriend grabbed on to her hips and began to jack hammer into her. This lasted for about five minutes before he pushed her off of him. She spun around and asked him what he did that for and he responded that he had squished his nuts somehow between her and the stack of lumber. Marie and I almost laughed out loud, but managed to maintain it and not give ourselves away. Sal didn't seem to be too sympathetic to his problem and let loose with some choice words about how it was his own problem and how he could have been more sensitive to her whie they were 'making love' (that's what she called getting balled at a construction site!). Apparently they were having intimacy issues, b/c she went on about how she was tired of it and blah blah blah. He apologized up and down and tried to get her to appreciate his circumstance, to no avail. She told him that he should expect a little pain after all the pain she goes through when he penetrates her. This whole scene ended up with her telling him that to prove his 'love' for her, that he would have to masturbate himself off for her to completion. He hem hawed around but didn't put up too much of a fight before giving in and stroking himself. He started to talk dirty to Sal and asked her if she liked it. This only made her more mad...he wasn't supposed to enjoy this she said. Sal went and found an empty toilet paper roll and told him to put it over his dick, and then to sit on top of the lumber and stoop down with his face as far as he could. She told him that she hoped the toilet paper roll would chafe him and that he would shoot his cum in his face. Marie and I were dying and I wanted to get the hell out of there, but of course I didn't. He began to jack himself off with the toilet paper roll, and didn't seem to mind it much. He went on for about five minutes and said he was about to cum. Sal told him to get his face down close, and then walked over and thumped his balls with her finger! He shot off right away, but did not hit his face. I think Sal was pleasantly disappointed b/c she embraced him and they kissed passionately. They headed back to the car and Marie and I made our way back. We just sat in the backseat while Sal and her boyfriend sat up front acting like nothing had happened. It was one of the most bizarre things I'd ever seen. That was the only time anything like that happened until one night at the end of the school year. I had been out driving around with Marie and Sal and we had smoked some good stuff. We went back to my house and snuck in the basement door and headed to my room. We turned off the lights and lit a bunch of chandles and listened to The Wall over and over. I was laying on the bed at one end, Sal was on the other and Marie was on the floor. We were talking quietly and finally Marie mentioned what she and I had seen Sal and her now ex-boyfriend doing. Sal was embarrased, but apparently still a little pissed b/c she said he got what he deserved. Marie commented on his dick size and mentioned that even I was impressed by it; thanks. Sal said it was big and enjoyable, and then said she had heard I had a nice dick; thanks again Marie. I shook it off and tried to change the subject but the girls kept bringing it back to sex. While we were talking Sal's hand moved towards my leg, and then swiftly to my cock. She began to squeeze my dick rather firmly. The conversation kept going and Marie continued on about the huge cock and how she thought it was funny when Sal flicked his balls. At that instant, Sal squeezed my balls, which made me sit straight up on the bed. When I did, I could see Marie on the floor and saw she had her hand in her crotch rubbing up and down. I layed back down and again Sal's hand found my crotch. Marie asked who had the biggest cock in our class that I'd seen in the shower room in PE. I told her it was this one guy and then turned it around and asked her who had the biggest tits. After her answer I said that she had to have the biggest nipples of anyone and that got no response. Sal, however, did agree and said that Marie's nipples were the biggest she'd ever seen also. I joked about how no baby would ever be able to breast feed on them and that they'd be better off being small like Sal's. This got another ball squeeze from Sal which again sat me straight up. Now I knew what to look for and noticed Marie had her loose gym shorts to one side and was rubbing her pussy with some vigor. She also had her shirt up above her breasts and her nipples were visibly hard. Leave it to some good gangha to loosen us up I guess. She must have thought she was safe in her own little world on the floor. As I layed back down on the bed, Sal's hand got right back to work. Only this time she unbuttoned my shorts and unzipped them, then unbuttoned my boxers to free my cock. She began to stroke it slowly up and down, then moved in closer. She began to talk while she was jacking me off. "I like a cock that has a nice big head on it" she said as she fit the head of my cock in her hand and then some. "Marie, how big would you say his cockhead was from when you saw Mandy sucking on it?" Marie paused and then answered that it was between the size of a golf ball and tennis ball to which Sal smiled. Sal squeezed my shaft hard, cutting off the blood flow which made the head bigger. "I'd love to see one like that someday" Sal said. Marie giggled, maybe if you ask kindly right now you could." Sal went on slowly pumping my cock, never getting me close to cumming but drivine me wild nonetheless. After a while of this, things were too quiet and I got nervous. I pulled away from Sal and piered over the bed again. What I saw blew me away. Marie had pulled her shorts and panties way over to one side and was now pumping her box with one of my drumsticks. She was plowing away like you wouldn't believe. The drumstick wasn't thick, but it was long and she was using nearly 3/4 of it to fuck herself. One of her tits were out of her bra and her huge nipple was basking in the open air. With her other hand, she was working her clit over like she was trying to sand it down or something. I flopped back on the bed and Sal could tell something was wrong. I pointed in Marie's direction and Sal peaked. When she came back, she was white and expressionless. We layed there for a while, me with my dick hanging out and Sal with her face all twisted listening to the subtle sounds of rubbing going on beneath us. Finally, Sal spoke up "Hey Marie, how does it feel to fuck yourself with that drumstick?" I almost died. Marie didn't immeidately respond but eventually said she didn't know what Sal meant. Marie stayed on the floor and we on the bed. Sal said that we had both seen her doing it and she just wondered how it felt, then told her that my cock was out of my pants and hard as a rock. Marie said she got lost in the music and pot and a little turned on. Sal said that it was only fair since she had spied on her and her boyfriend. Sal then asked Marie to come up on the bed so we could all be together. Marie did eventually, and Sal sent her back for the drumstick! Once on the bed, Sal resumed stroking my cock. Marie just sat there staring at my cock when Sal told her to go ahead and revert to the drumstick for now. Marie actually did it! She was laying about two feet from me fucking her box with my drumstick while Sal jerked me off! After a few minutes, Sal told Marie to take her tits out so I could see them while I was getting jacked off. Marie pulled her Tshirt up, then unclasped her bra and her huge tits (with huge nipples) spilled out. Sal asked if I'd like to feel one of them and I immeidately accepted. So I'm getting jacked off while feeling Marie's big titties whie she is fucking herself with a drumstick...weird. Sal got up and left Marie and I on the bed, then returned with the mate to the wet drumstick. She gave it to Marie and told her she might be able to use a little added thickness. Marie took the drumstick and inserted it inside of her pussy with the other and kept on sloshing away. Sal said that she would like to see Marie eat my cum when I was ready, which elicited a 'gross' from Marie. Sal didn't care and said that I should kneel next to Marie's head. Marie protested a little more and Sal said 'that's ok, I have a better idea anyway.' She told Marie to hand me the drumsticks, which she did after wiping them on my bed spread (whatever). Then she told me to straddle Marie's chest so my cock was right by her face. Then she told me to fuck Marie with the drumsticks, which I began to do. Sal moved behind Marie and had her prop herself up so her head was supported by Sal's stomach area. This let Marie suck me off without straining. Sal also reached around and began to pinch Marie's nipples like they were grapes. All this time, I continued to fuck Marie like crazy with the drumsticks. Marie's cheeks bulged with my cockhead and I was in heaven. I said I was about to cum, and then it happened. Sal reached around and grabbed my nuts with just enough force to make me jump off of Marie. She laughed and said that I had to pay now for spying on her and her boyfriend. She told me that my choices were to jack off or go to bed with blue balls; I chose the first option. But this wasn't just a jack off. Sal asked me to put my boxers back on and pull my cock and balls through the opening in the front. This forced my nuts to stick out a little bit and they were right at the base of my cock. Sal told me to stand in front of them on the bed and pump myself. As I started Sal told me to move my hand lower on my shaft and pump harder. Doing so meant that my hand would push against my nuts each time I had a downward stroke. Sal told me to pump harder so I would hit them more and I did. It hurt, but it was a good pain. I began to pump myself with such a vengance. The girls starred and giggled a little. The gigling was joined by the sound of my fist smacking into my balls and some of my own wimpering. I began to get close to cumming and slowly moved closer to the girls. I tried not to give any sign of what was to come (pun). I let loose with a huge load that was perfectly aimed at Sal's face. It hit her right in the forehead. The second and subsequent shots hit various parts of Marie and Sal as they scrambled to get away from the flying stuff. When I was done, I put myself away and collapsed on the bed. Sal said that we were even now, and that the size of my cockhead still didn't make up for it being smaller than her ex's. We made small talk and eventually they left. We remained in contact, but that night changed our relationship forever. We were never really that close again.