My Auto Cunnilingus Story Published: June 30, 2003 (Story #3055) Category: Male-Female Author: Thy Age: 29 Comments: ~no comments When I was 10 years old I witnessed my first (and only) up close and personal act of auto cunnilingus. I had a cousin whom I will call Nancy who was 12 at the time. She was tall for her age and exceptionally thin, with waste-length brown hair. She was a very athletic girl and very adept at many sports. I recall that her abdominal muscles were well defined even at her age. Her strong point was tumbling and gymnastics. She was very flexible, more so than any other human being which I have ever seen. She used to put on shows for all of the kids and even though I was very young her beauty and grace entranced me. It was not lust, but sincere admiration. I could watch her for hours and used to accompany her to her gymnastics classes just to admire her. One warm summer evening, Nancy and her brother walked to my house. It was unusually hot even for Arizona and we decided to play in the sprinkler. Our yard was very big and when we put on the sprinkler we soon had a dozen kids over taking turns running through the water. We did this for perhaps an hour and were all soaking wet and at least a little cooler. As always Nancy was the center of attention, dazzling everyone with her cartwheels, splits and flips. My mother brought out drinks for us and said that she would be gone for awhile, for us to behave and not go in the house with muddy feet. I thank the Powers That Be that there were no parents around that one evening in my life! We were sitting around in my yard in the wet grass when Nancy's brother suggested that she perform her "little licking trick" for us. She seemed a little surprised that he suggested it and blushed, saying that she was too shy. He asked several times for her to do it and promised to do her chores if she would. Of course all of us were begging her even though we had no idea what it was that we were begging to see. I said that if she did not want to do something we should not make her and she quickly hopped up and said, "I'll do it!" (I think she was a born exhibitionist!) She asked if all of us would promise not to tell her mother what she was about to do, as it had gotten her into trouble in the past. (I imagine that would have been a great story in itself!) We anxiously nodded our heads and agreed to keep quiet. She led the way to my back yard behind a thick arbor of honeysuckle vines and cottonwood trees where no one would see us. She did a few warm-up stretches and I remember thinking to myself that if she had to warm-up to do something, then it must be a difficult and fascinating task! She limbered up for about two minutes and the other children were really becoming anxious, begging her to hurry. She peeled off her shorts and exposed her delicate parts (another first for me that day!) and I remember that we all said ooh! and drew in our breath. Her vagina was hairless and was basically a pink slit. She lay down in the grass and did a reverse somersault, something which itself was an awesome thing for a naive young boy to see. Her little t-shirt was wet and she pulled it up around her neck to get it out of the way. I recall that her chest was at that almost-pubertal stage, with little mounds where breasts would later fill in. She managed to position her vagina in front of her face and I remember thinking that it seemed weird and beautiful all at the same time. She flicked her little tongue out of her mouth and it easily moved over her clitoris. Little that I had seen before or since has amazed me so. She did this in intervals of about a minute or so, and then straightened out and breathed deeply. Having done reverse somersaults myself in Yoga, I know that it is painful and makes it hard to get a deep breath. When she would get her breath back she would roll over and do it again. Her brother reached out and touched her thigh at one point and she shooed him away. Perhaps he broke her concentration. After a few minutes she moaned a great deal and her inner thighs quivered spasmodically. I am not sure if she had an orgasm or if she was just getting tired. (I like to think she had one!) She rolled out of the reverse somersault and her face was very flushed. She breathed deeply for a few minutes and then sat up smiling at us. We clapped and yelled, begging her to do it again but she said that it was too difficult to attempt again so quickly. I still think that was the best show I have ever seen and it didn't cost me a nickel! Nancy moved shortly after this and I was never able to see her perform again. I saw her recently and she is still lovely. I was tempted to ask if she remembered her spellbinding performance that she provided for us that day but figured I had better hold my tongue. (No pun intended.)