Published: May 31, 2010 (Story #36948) Category: Female-Male Author: Helen Age: 40 Comments: Back by popular demand so it seems! Latest update for those that are not yet bored with me. Naturist Family - Talking With Sarah First of all thank you to all those that have commented on my earlier posts, whatever your thoughts on what I write. I'm pleased that most people seem to enjoy reading my experiences so as some have requested I think it's time for an update. Shortly after my last posting my daughter's friend Amy came to join us for one of our naturist days, she arrived on the Friday night for a sleepover so she'd be with us all day. I could tell that she was a little nervous, despite her enthusiasm to "go naked", so told her she could wear some clothing at first and remove it went she felt comfortable doing so. The next morning however when she came down with Sarah I was pleased to see she'd decided to go nude from the start. There were lots of nervous giggles but the awkwardness which I think everyone has at first soon started to disappear as she got used to being nude around the rest of us. Amy is a lovely girl, similar in height and build to Sarah but she is blonde whereas Sarah is dark haired, she also has grown her pubic hair whereas Sarah is shaved like myself. The other noticeable difference between the two is in their breasts, Amy's are much larger and fuller than Sarah's who takes after her mother in being much smaller and pert in that department! I can't see either girl having a problem attracting boyfriends in the near future, I think they will both have plenty of admirers! Steven was last to appear as usual and I was interested to see how he and Amy would react to one another. Again some nervous giggles from Amy, and a slight blush as they said hello, I could see that her eyes were obviously glancing down towards his groin. Steven was quite laid back and seemed to take our new addition in his stride, although I did catch the odd furtive glance from him towards her when she wasn't looking. The morning went pretty much as usual with Amy spending her time with Sarah and seeming quite relaxed now without her clothes. It was later that morning when I suppose the inevitable happened and Steven got an erection. The girls were lying on the floor reading and Amy was rather revealing herself, not deliberately I think, but it must have had an effect on Steven. He gets aroused far less than he used to, but he got up saying that he needed to go to his room. As he stood Amy and Sarah turned round and could see his condition so not sure of how Amy was with it I made a little joke about the situation which seemed to stop any embarrassment for Amy or Steven, Sarah I know is not at all concerned by it. I have told Steven before that it's nothing to get embarrassed about, it's natural that boys of his age get erections and none of us are offended by it. I've also said that he needn't go to his room if he gets one, that he can stay and it will soon go down again. I did read one comment asking about Derek and erections. He rarely gets one during our naturist days but on the odd occasion it has happened he will just laugh about it and wait for it to disappear, it really isn't an issue for any of us. The rest of the day went well and I think Amy enjoyed her introduction to naturism and from our point of view it was nice to have a new "body" around the house. I was speaking to her mother again last week and I do get the impression that she would like to try it too if only she can force herself to get past the "deep breath, knickers off" moment as I call it. I have said that if she and her husband would like to join us for an hour or so and see what it's like they'd be most welcome so we'll see. A couple of days after Amy's visit I had a talk with Sarah again. She said Amy had been really nervous about coming down in the morning so she'd told her the easiest way was to just go for it rather than wear any clothing. After the first few minutes were over she then thought it was great being naked around the house and really enjoyed it. I think she must have done because she's asked if she can join us again and is coming to stay this weekend for another naturist day. I asked how Amy felt about Steven's erection and Sarah said she'd thought it was awesome, not offended at all! I then took the opportunity to ask Sarah if she and Steven had thought any more about my suggestion, that they masturbate together. Sarah grinned and rather sheepishly said they'd already done it together. It took me a bit by surprise even though it was the answer I wanted to hear. I had so many questions I wanted to ask her about it but couldn't, because it just would not have been right. In the end I asked her if it made her feel better about what had happened previously, which she said it did, and if they'd enjoyed it. That got a bit of an embarrassed grin and the verdict that it was "cool" so I guessed that was a yes. I told her once again that I was quite happy for them to masturbate together if they wanted to, that it was nothing they need to try and be secretive about as it was a perfectly natural and enjoyable thing to do. They just had to remember where to draw the line and not go too far, this brought a mock look of astonishment from Sarah and a comment that they knew where things should stop. For those who don't agree with my views perhaps now is the time to stop reading! I discovered masturbation myself, how touching myself in a certain way and place could bring such pleasurable feelings, and I would generally pleasure myself daily during my teenage years. It's something I still get great enjoyment from particularly since my husband Derek spends two or three days a week away from home with work. My interest in Steven and Sarah is not because I have some perversion, but just a curiosity over two teenagers gaining their first pleasures from sexual enjoyment. I can understand why some people may feel it is wrong for a brother and sister to masturbate together, and I am wrong for encouraging them, but reading the posts on Solo Touch it seems far from a rare occurrence and not something that results in any long term harm. I don't get aroused from seeing them naked on our naturist days, it seems quite natural now and wrong if I did. Since Sarah's little revelation to me I have been thinking about what they must have done together. It will have been the first time Sarah will have seen a boy ejaculate, and I can still remember my own amazement and joy the first time I saw an erection send forth its content! It's very probably also the first time Steven will have seen a girl pleasure herself. I then wonder if they have masturbated each other, whether Sarah has stroked Steven to ejaculation and he explored her intimate areas. Judging by the posts on Solo Touch I think it more likely than not. One comment I think mentioned that Derek and I could openly masturbate and encourage Steven and Sarah to join in, but I think this would be quite wrong, not that we are in any way inhibited about it but I feel it would be a step too far. I think that's enough for now and once again all comments will be welcome. We go on our first naturist vacation next month which we are all looking forward to, so perhaps something to report on afterwards. I'd be interested to read any more posts from fellow naturists or mum and daughter encounters.