My brother and I had always been very close and after mom and dad divorced we got closer still. We seemed to like each others company more than with any of our other friends and since mom worked late we spent alot of time together alone after school. Since we were so close we didn't have any secrets from each other and shared everything and we even still sometimes played show and tell. We showed each other how we were growing and I remember how proud I was when my tits were more than just large nipples and I finally grew a few hairs between my legs. He was just as proud when he started getting erections. Then one afternoon he came out of his bedroom naked and said he had something I just had to see and he told me to get naked. After I had my clothes off he got an erection and proceeded to start pulling on it and after a couple of minutes some thick white stuff dribbled out of the tip. He had this big smile on his face and asked me what I thought. I acted like I didn't know what had happened and questioned him about it. He said he had been touching himself in bed last night and it felt good so he kept on doing it until the stuff came out and that felt good so he did it a couple more times and now he could make it happen any time he wanted. Then he said it was too bad I couldn't do anything like it. I didn't want to feel like he was the only one that could have fun like that so I told him I'd been doing it too but only I had to do it a different way. I laid down on the couch and started playing with my nipples, twisting and pulling on them. That I had been doing for a couple of months because it felt good. I had occasionally played around with my pussy too but had never actually masturbated like I was attempting to do now. I kind of ran my fingers along my slit not really knowing what I was doing until I touched the little bump right at the top. That sent a shiver though me and I did it again and then pressed down harder which made me moan a little. Then I just naturally started making circles around it and the more I did it the better it felt. While I was laying there he was watching intently and pulling on himself again. Watching him watch me got me more excited and I pulled harder on my nipples and moved my hand faster between my legs until I had what might have been an orgasm. I had never felt anything like that before and my whole body tensed up and my pussy seemed to be on fire. After it was over my brother squirted out some more stuff and then we both kind of relaxed and caught our breaths. Then for some reason I felt emmbarrassed and I got dressed and went to my room. For the next couple of days we didn't say much to each other, I guess we realised that maybe we had crossed some kind of line. Seeing each other naked was one thing, nudist families see each other all the time, but masturbating in front of each other was something else all together. One afternoon though we talked about it and decided it had been fun but that we wouldn't do it again, at least not together and at the same time. With the rules in place we did masturbate for each other but one of us always stayed dressed while the other one did it. I loved watching him come and it was always so exciting having him watch me do it. Most of the time he didn't even undress, he'd just pull it out and do it but I always made sure I was completely naked before I even started. We always did it after school because we had two to three hours before mom came home which gave us plenty of time. Some days I'd get naked right after school and stay that way. Me walking around like that always got him going and after he was done I'd lay on the couch or floor and take my time getting myself off. We continued all the way thru high school until I went away to college but even then whenever I came home on a break we'd manage to do it again. I'm married now with a couple of kids of my own but we still get the urge every once and a while and we'll get together and masturbate together.