Reading about the nude photo session reminded me of my own college experience. I had long hair back then and was rail thin, which I guess made me interesting looking. A red-haired Irish girl in the next hall of our freshman dorm named "Sarah" asked me if I'd pose nude for her for a photo project. It seemed ok at the time, so I said yes. My room mate cleared out and she arranged me around the room in different places, not quite so artful as the sheet against the wall in the prior story, but standing on chairs looking down, etc. After a few shots, she asked me if I would still be willing to undress. "Sure," I said, starting to have a few misgivings. "All the way?" Sarah wasn't pushy. "If that's still OK..." "Yeah," I said. I slid down my jeans and felt my cock start to stiffen. I'm not as huge as I would like, a thickish five inches, but back then, my 28-inch waist and six-foot frame made me look impressive (not so much any more). Sarah was kneeling beneath me, aiming her camera up at my balls and my increasingly puffy cock. I get super-wet (still do) and started to ooze a little as my dick rose towards my stomach. "Uh, sorry," I said. "Do you want to take a minute?" she said. I wasn't sure what she meant. To rest, I figured. "I didn't realize this would turn me on," I said apologetically. She was either stony or shy. I wasn't sure then. "It's ok. I have brothers. I've seen it before." I tried to relax, but my cock started rising even more, arcing against my stomach and oozing. Sarah wasn't staring, but she was looking, and that was getting me hornier. "Can you photograph me like this?" I asked. "If you're ok with that," she said. Ok with it? Hell, for whatever reason, I was loving it. A slender, athletic redhead staring at my erect cock? Oh, yeah. "Just tell me what you want me to do." And she did. She had me bent over a chair, kneeling and leaning back, lying down, standing up, maybe a dozen different configurations in my small dorm room. I started to relax, but my cock didn't, still pulsing and oozing. Periodically, I nipped off a string of pre-cum and wiped it on my bedsheets. Sarah stayed collected, but she seemed to be staring. I thought I caught her licking her lips. "Do you want to, um, take care of that?" she asked? "On camera?" Hell no, I was thinking. "Well, that wasn't what I was suggesting" Impasse. Did she want me to masturbate for the camera? Or was she offering something else? If only I hadn't been so shy... "I can do it after, if you want," I said. She looked indecisive for a minute, then she put her camera down and leaned against my desk. For the first time, she smiled. "I think you should do it now." I started to get nervous, but I lightly gripped my shaft. I wanted her to touch me so bad! If I had only asked, perhaps I would have had a different and more exciting story, but instead, I closed my eyes and started to stroke for her, standing across the small room. Halfway through, I stopped, worried that she would think it was weird. I needn't have. She was openly staring now at my fist. "Go on," she encouraged. "That looks uncomfortable." And it was. Having a room mate was tough for a teenager like me because I had masturbated at least once a day at home for years. The shower wasn't always private enough, and I had taken to hiking into the wilderness north of campus to get release, but it had still been many days since I had let my load go... And so I shot, two big arcs of watery cum, again, I wish I'd had the courage to cum on her, but I didn't, and then five or six thick spurts of the gooey white stuff that literally smacked as it hit the floor. Sarah was grinning. "Feel better?" she asked. I was immediately red with embarrassment and light headed with euphoria, all at once. She packed up her stuff as I stuffed my awkwardly stiff and wet pecker back into my jeans and used an old t-shirt to mop up my spoo, some of which was all over my room mate's desk chair. I tried to pretend like it was no big thing, but I would end up whispering her name as I came for the next two years, until I got my first real girlfriend. "Let me know how they turn out," I said as she was leaving. "I will," she assured me. She told me that they didn't turn out all; the film had been loaded incorrectly. We never really spoke about it afterwards and nothing else ever happened (except in my imagination, where I imagined myself drenching her full, round tits with loads that ultimately drenched only me). And that was that, until Senior year, when her room mate Jen told me that all the photos had come out, and that I had a hall full of admirers who had seen them... That story goes well past masturbation, I'm afraid. It's also the best story I have to tell, which is a pity...