Spring Break Published: March 9, 2009 (Story #32836) Category: Female Solo Author: Kelly B Age: 31 Comments: ~no comments I had one of 'those moments' this Saturday that was so pleasurable it made my head spin for a while. My husband and I have been married for 11 years and I think we have a fairly active and normal sex life. I used to masturbate often when I was single, but never had the need or the time over the last few years. On Friday morning, hubby and kid 1 got on an airplane and went to baseball camp in Tampa for a week. I left kid 2 with her friends parents and they left for a road trip to a beach house in North Carolina. I did what I normally do on a Friday; grocery shopping after a swim at the YMCA. When I got home; I realized that I was alone, truly alone for the first time since we moved into this home six years ago. I went to bed and slept late, waking after 9 on Saturday. As I lay in bed enjoying the quietness of the home I began to get horny and started feeling breasts & nipples. I decided that I was going to go ahead and masturbate and pulled the covers off the bed and lay on the fitted sheet with a pillow under my hips. It was just like riding a bike, all the little movements came back to me and I soon brought myself to a orgasm, then another and another. After a while I went back to sleep, but when I awoke again I did it all over again. Afterwards I was going to take a bath but chose to try something I had not done in years and never seemed to get right before. I lay flat on my back in the bathtub with my legs vertical on the wall directly under the water spout. It took a moment to get it going, but when it did the feelings were simply amazing, until I ran out of hot water. I did not get dressed until late in the day and even then it was just sweatpants and coffee. My husband called to see how I was and I told him I had spent the day masturbating in bed and he did not believe me.